Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Prayer Request Update

Two days ago I asked for prayers for our 8 week old kitten, Moses. He steadily worsened, and by that evening I feared he wouldn't make it through the night. I syringe-fed him bits of water, and tucked him in my jacket to keep warm, because he was so listless and lethargic he just kept going off alone to huddle miserably.

Yesterday morning I took him to the vet. The vet said his intestines felt "enlarged", and he thought Mo had a bowel obstruction. The only way to find out for sure was an x-ray, which cost $135, which I simply could not afford. And even if I COULD afford the x-ray, I couldn't afford the $1000-$1500 the vet said surgery would cost. He prescribed antibiotics "just in case" Mo's intestines were enlarged simply due to his enteritis, and told me if there was no improvement we might have to "put him down". I am adamantly opposed to euthenasia, especially for a tiny kitten whose only fault was coming into a family who doesn't have bill and grocery money, let alone such a large expense as surgery.

Moses had his first dose of antibiotic at 10 a.m. By 1p.m. he was eating a tiny bit of soft cat food. At 3:30 he came mewing into the kitchen, so I offered him more, which he again ate. At 8:30 last night he AGAIN ate a small bit of food. At 10:30, instead of huddling alone somewhere, he jumped into bed with my husband and I, and happily lay purring between us. I awoke this morning to him SCREECHING for food, and he ate 3/4 of a can!

He SEEMS to be well on the road to recovery. Thank you to all who prayed for our special kitten, and thank you to God for healing him. I can't think of a better Christmas gift for my daughters : )

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Break and a Prayer Request for our Kitten

The girls finished their first half of the school year Thursday.

E completed:
>3 out of 5 units of English.
>101 out of 176 lessons in Math
>19 out of 34 lessons in Spelling
>a lot of handwriting practice sheets (not sure how many; I didn't count)
>6 out of 8 units in Health
>2 out of 24 lessons in History (I'd planned it that way. We'll concentrate on History second semester.)
>science intermittantly

C completed:
>1 semester plus 3 more weeks' worth of Hewitt's Lightning Literature/Writing
>8 out of 14 chapters of Math
>um....over half of Social Studies...I forgot where we left off before thanksgiving, but we will be moving on to a year long study of American history and the Constitution in January
>9 out of 16 modules in Science
>has only 5 pages left in her second (intermediate level) book of violin in only 6 months of lessons. She loves playing, but detests the exercises. She wants only to play SONGS.

After over 3 weeks of trying to get a straight answer out of their dad on whether or not he was going to have them for a visit over christmas break, his wife finally called at 10:00 a.m. Thursday morning to get them Thursday afternoon. We put a rush on E's last 3 review lessons in English, took her unit exam (she got an 88% ) while C took her Module 9 science test for science, and managed to pack and get them off for an 8 day visit. They will be back Friday, just in time for Christmas Eve and Christmas. The timing works out perfectly for a home schooling mother who usually never has a moment to organize and wrap gifts without children around.

One last thing...our 8 week old kitten, Moses, is VERY sick. He has a severe case of roundworms, which has resulted in him getting enteritis, an infection in his digestive tract that is fatal to young kittens. He can not keep ANYTHING (food, water, medicines) down, and is hovering between life and death. The girls and I LOVE Moses very much, although C is especially fond of him. C has requested that instead of Christmas gifts, I use the money for Moses' vet care, and to also take all of HER money to help pay. The vet and I are doing all we can, but it is very serious. We would appreciate any prayers for Moses to get well soon and live a long and healthy life. This kitten is very loved and special to us.

Merry Christmas, everyone.