Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone!

We finished school Friday. We will be on break until January 7th. I have been cleaning and sorting all weekend. Look at all this curriculum I donated to the Goodwill Saturday! I'm too lazy to post ads for sale, and keep having to make trips to the post office. I had no idea I had this much! (We did not donate the cat. LOL)

We also donated about 80 additional books to the library. The above picture is just of the curriculum.

I was also able to finish up my Christmas shopping yesterday morning. Today we will be doing our last-minute grocery shopping, cooking our Christmas Eve dinner, and baking cookies. Tomorrow the girls and I will just enjoy at home with our small family.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Good-bye Saxon

After 9 years, we are finally saying good-bye to Saxon math. Colleen began using this when she was in public school. I have a certain sentimental attachment to Saxon math. BECAUSE she used it in ps, and I was familiar with it, and because I was a homeschooling novice and knew of no other math program back then, Saxon was what I ordered for her. In fact, Saxon 54 was the very first homeschooling purchase I ever made. I actually ordered it 4 months before I pulled Colleen out of ps.

Saxon worked well for us up until this year. This year we have been doing pre-algebra. We are almost finished with the book. It is December, a time when I typically have been researching and choosing the next year's curriculum. Colleen normally begins her next grade level in January or February. Because she will be moving up to 9th grade, a FRESHMAN, AND because she has really been struggling with pre-algebra, I have been stressing myself out to the max over what math to use for her. Saxon seemed fine for the lower grades. Colleen caught on and moved through each grade level quickly. For 4 months now, I have known I would NOT continue to use Saxon math for her. For four months I have looked and looked, researched, asked other parents what works for THEIR child, looked at samples online, watched videos, discussed math programs ad nauseum with Colleen, made HER watch videos, read reviews, take placement tests.

Each day we struggle through math. Colleen takes about an hour, maybe a little more, doing her 30 daily problems, and each Friday she takes a test. However, we then have to take ANOTHER 45 minutes or so correcting all the problems she is missing. Saxon calls itself "incremental", which is a code word for spiral mathematics that just leap from topic to topic randomly, with only about 3 problems each assignment that actually have to do with the lesson for that day. Ok, maybe SAXON has a rhyme and reason for them leaping from topic to topic, but I sure don't see it, and it isn't working for us. And of course Saxon is well known for its tedious, repetitive practice OVERLOAD in the primary grades. But then we get to the higher levels of math and there is less and less practice. The past couple of weeks I have actually been spending my mornings making up my own practice problems for Colleen to do before we even open her book.

Um....why am I writing out pages of practice problems when I HAVE a book? Why do they introduce a concept, such as solving for 2 variables, and then only have 2 problems per problem set dealing with this? Yes, to ME, it is easy. I LOVE algebra. (I'm a geek, what can I say?) To my 14 year old daughter, it is difficult, and she doesn't "get it". Well, if you are in softball, you don't expect to show up at practice and hit fair balls, only batting twice a day. Ok, yes, for some people that works. My younger daughter doesn't even need to keep hearing me explain a new concept; she tells me, "Ok, Mom, I know." and has the problems done while I'm still talking. Colleen, on the other hand has reached a level where she simply needs more practice, and more consistency in the lessons, not jumping from one topic to the next. Then Colleen gets frustrated and angry, slamming the book and declaring herself stupid.

Ok, so for 4 months now I have known this was it. I knew Saxon was done in this house. I just haven't known WHAT was going to replace it. Colleen doesn't LIKE any of the samples we have looked at online. She doesn't WANT a video/DVD teacher. Colleen is pretty set in her ways for such a young girl. She doesn't like change of any kind. She actually WANTED to stick with Saxon through high school math. She figures I can just keep holding her hand and getting her through it. We went with change for math once, 2 years ago, and went with a mastery math program, and it was a dismal failure. Most likely because it revealed WAY too many gaps that Saxon had left.

I have been stressing out over ALL our soon-to-be-ordered curriculum, for both girls. But Algebra has definitely been my main worry. I have never spent this much time deciding on curriculum. I've been close to choosing a popular video text math, but Colleen just could not abide the thought of the man's voice doing the teaching on the DVD. Can't say I blame her. I almost chose another program, too, but something kept stopping me. Other than that, I was up in the air, starting to panic over it being almost Christmas break, and not only do I not HAVE next year's math here at the house, I don't even know WHAT next year's math will be. I was just about to throw in the towel, and just order Saxon, but I just couldn't quite make myself do it. Much as I love algebra, I just don't want to spend all my free time writing out equations and problems. That's what the book is for.

And then. Last night. (hear the choir of angels singing in the background here?) I was idly on another site reading math reviews. This is for a company that only has math for grades 1-6. has suggestions for what to move on to from that particular program. And since, like most homeschooling mothers, I am addicted to researching curriculum, I clicked on the links to read reviews of higher maths. And there were several there I had never even heard of. Then I read user reviews. Then I went over to Amazon, and read their user reviews. Then I made Colleen come over here to the computer, and I showed HER, because it was truly the best looking Algebra program I've seen yet. AND SHE LIKED IT TOO.

And end to an era....good-bye Saxon. You were good for awhile, but it's time for you to move aside for: Jacob's Algebra. As soon as I looked at Jacob's Algebra (and their Geometry, too, because what homeschooling mom doesn't look ahead at the upcoming years?) I just KNEW this was the one. Really, I felt it was right. And when Colleen agreed, and was SMILING over a MATH prgram? Yeah, that clinched it. So, in just little more than an hour, I will be calling Rainbow Resource (yes, I'm old-fashioned, and like to CALL in the order, as opposed to ordering online.) and ordering this. We will start it as soon as we go back to school in January after Christmas break.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Best Buy Ain't Got Nothin' On Me....

And they told me there was no way to transfer 5 1/2 years worth of our old Wii data to my brand new one. Ha!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

So we got vitually NO school done in November

The first week of November entailed my 2 youngest daughters getting food posioning, and then just when they were starting to recover I got it about 5 times worse. I don't recall being that sick to my stomach EVER, and I don't wish to repeat it. I was only sick 24 hours, but lost 11 pounds. It took me the rest of the week to get back to feeling normal, but I only had one day to sleep, before my oldest daughter went into labor. So, after only the one day of rest, I then went 58 hours with no sleep, at the hospital with her. It was well worth it, though, because being there with her, and seeing my grandson being born was the most amazing, awesome experience ever.

The whole time I was sick, recovering, and gone at the hospital, 14 year old Colleen took care of EVERYTHING here at the house, even sacrificing her sleep time to get up at 6:45 two mornings in a row to come take care of our 16 pets. (I promise we aren't hoarders; they are all very well taken care of and my house is as clean as any homeschooler's house is.) I could not have done it without Colleen's help, though.

Two days after the baby was born, we had a cat emergency, requiring us to make a late Saturday night trip to the vet for a deathly sick cat, who ended up anesthetized just for the vet to be able to examine him, and then undergoing surgery.

The next few days involved a few visits over to April's house, because she was afraid to change her new son's diaper for fear of hurting him, and was letting her husband do ALL the baby care. Since he was going back to work the next day, she needed to learn to do it herself. She went through a brief period of new mommy panic, but all is well now.

My husband had a birthday early in the month, but unfortunately that was the day I was half dead from being sick. His dad also had a birthday, which I DID manage to at least get his presents to him on time. My husband had to wait 11 days before I had time to make his birthday dinner and cake, and that was all he got this year.

So by now it is mid-November, and I think we will get back on track with school. But, alas, another sick cat, another trip to the vet, and a sick baby. Thankfully, Brendan just had a common case of thrush, but it took our whole afternoon waiting for the doctor to call back, and me to go get his medicine. Of course his health insurance card came in the mail about an hour AFTER I left. LOL

Then Thanksgiving week. Which, as all of you know, entails a gigantic grocery shopping trip and two days of cooking. The girls and I work at the animal shelter on Thanksgiving Day, itself, since they don't get much help on holidays, and had our dinner Friday. Saturday we worked at the animal shelter again, since we wouldn't be able to go for our usual Sunday hours. Last Sunday we went to my ex-sister-in-law's for a second Thanksgiving dinner. I am turkey'd out, but it was all good. Just a really busy week, and a really busy month. One thing after another.

This past week, we actually got things accomplished. We got our 7 month old kitten neutered...the last of my pets to need "fixed". This one was a planned vet visit, unlike the two prior emergency cat visits. We did school every single day, and we managed to do every single 4th grade subject, and every single 8th grade subject done.

I am proud of my daughters for working so hard all week, and all month, helping me, dealing with all the baby and cat issues. We have 3 more weeks till we go on Christmas break, so I pray we have a smoother month, and can meet our goals for schoolwork.

Now I have 23 days to figure out Christmas. : )