Yes, it's been almost an entire year since I've posted anything. Life has been busy.
The girls had probably the best school year we've ever had last year. Emily soared through sixth grade, and while Colleen didn't exactly soar, she made all A's and B's. We worked hard every day, and only missed a few days back in October and November when I went into kidney failure and had two surgeries. Since then, though, I have felt better than I have in a long time, and I have also been losing weight. I've lost 47 pounds since last December. Seeing the huge number at my nephrologist's office on the scale was my motivation.
Colleen completed her fifty hours of required driving, to get her drivers license. Emily is continuing with gymnastics, and improving rapidly. Neither girl did softball this year, for the first year ever.
My little grandson, Brendan, 2 1/2, has been spending 1 day a week with us over the summer. His little brother, Conner, 16 months, still prefers to stay home with his mama.
I recently ordered all out upcoming curricula. No the girls with be doing Sonlight. Colleen also will be doing Algebra 2, and finishing Spanish. Emily will be doing math, spelling, and science in addition to her Sonlight. We will begin school in about 4 weeks, when the girls and I return from vacation up in Ludington, Michigan, where I spent half my childhood.