Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Best Kind of Day

See that picture above in my header? The girls and I went out there yesterday for a few hours between C's Astronomy class at another session of College for Kids Enrichment classes, and her softball game last night. We:

fed the geese,

looked at pretty scenery,

played in the river,

and found lots of interesting rocks.

We also found tons of tadpoles and baby frogs, but those were a little difficult to get a picture of. My favorite picture of all, though, is this one. That's my right hand in the photo, and I was afraid it wouldn't turn out well, but I love it! : )

I hope you all can have great days like this sometimes! : )

1 comment:

Denise said...

Aren't those the best kind of days! Glad you had a great day!