Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Girls Have Fallen in Love....

....with these:

I think I've mentioned in a prior post that our kitty, Minnie, was expecting. She gave birth yesterday morning to these 3 adorable kittens. Two females, and one we aren't sure if it's a male or female. I think it's male. My husband thinks it's female. That means it's male because I'm always right. LOL!!!

Unfortunately, Minnie chose to have her babies in my 6 year old's bed. E was thrilled to have that honor. I was not quite as thrilled, as I had to spend the day doing umpteen extra loads of laundry. I was already going on only 4 hours of sleep yesterday, so 7 or 8 extra trips down the basement stairs and back up again didn't help my mood or my knee. LOL

E could not stop crying when she first saw the newborn kittens. I asked her if she was okay, and she clasped her hands and replied, "I'm fine! These are tears of JOY!" She was just completely enthralled at the new lives. (And yes, that is her bed. E keeps everything but the kitchen sink in there...including, it seems, mother cats and newborn kittens. LOL)

All seem to be doing well. Minnie is used to the girls, and will be staying in the girls' room. I have moved her from E's bed, though, and we bought a baby gate to keep the dogs out of their bedroom. Here they are just five minutes ago:

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