Sunday, April 17, 2011

Week in more OFFICIAL week of school left

We are ALMOST done with our full-time year. As you all know we school year-round, but May, June, and July are reserved only for one or two subjects, and only twice a week or so. Our main thing in the summer is softball. This will be C's SIXTH year of softball, and E's SECOND.

Quick school update. E finished her Spelling Friday. She has only 5 lessons left in math and she and C have just one chapter left in science. C also has only 5 lessons left in math, including her chapter 4 test, at which time she will be exactly 28% of the way done with her 7th grade book, which she doesn't technically begin until next August.....make sense? C also still has approximately 4 weeks left of Social Studies, but again, this will get her 25% of the way through her 7th grade book, so she will be ahead in that also. This works out very well as many days as they now seem to miss during the typical public school schedule due to having to go so far away to visit their dad.

That is about it for school that we HAVE to do. My intentions for the summer are to have C work through at LEAST 1 more chapter of math very sporadically, and do a module or two in her science. E needs to continue working with English and spelling, so she will be doing "fun" review workbooks to keep her on target to begin 3rd grade. just might be that the teacher ordered a ton of books a year or two ago, and forgot about some of them until I cleaned through all our home school materials a few months ago and found things I completely forgot about. Oops! So.....what was bought as curriculum is now going to called "fun" review books. LOL

Now....what I am just SO excited about, and can't wait to finally have a moment to FINALLY bought C a violin! The poor child is 12 years old, and has been wanting a violin since she was 8. She played when she went to public school, and that was, in fact, the one and only reason I kept her IN school for an extra 5 months....because she loved the violin so. I have periodically looked at student violins online, and a couple of weeks ago I decided to do so because it had been awhile. And lo and behold there was a student, full sized, brand new violin with horse-hair bow on sale for 70% off retail price! That's not a typo, it was 70% off! I called C to come see it, and we studied it for about half an hour, and she had just the hugest smile on her face, and I just could not pass this up. I have NO income, and not even child support anymore, and the little I have I need to live off of, but I just simply could not pass this opportunity up. So we called and ordered it, and it arrived last Tuesday.

I have to thank fellow homeschool blogger, Michelle, for inspiring C and I with her regular postings of her own daughter's violin progress beginning also at age 12.

Anyway....I have NO knowledge of violins whatsoever. I never even actually saw one in person until C's arrived last week. So.....I have lined up an instructor for her that knows what he is doing. He will begin lessons with C in the middle of May. I don't know who is more happy about it, me, or C. This has been her ONLY musical passion for YEARS, and God blessed us and led us to one we can afford.

The girls are gone right now. This is day 2 out of 5 they are spending at their dads. I HATE this visitation stuff, I HATE it. We used to be such a strong, happy family. : (

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