Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Final 4 Weeks of School (and grandbaby update)

The girls are down to their final month of schoolwork. The past few weeks we have had tons of extra things going on in our lives, and have been very busy, but no matter what, we have kept plugging away with schoolwork. Some days it is really tough to do school, but I'd really like the girls to be able to finish by the last week of April.

In 7th grade, C began her FINAL module for science. She has 6 chapters left to read for her Lightening Literature, and a week of writing assignments. In social studies, she has read the first 4 chapters of the second book in Joy Hakim's "The Story of US" series. Most of this book is review for her, leading up to our in-depth study of specific U.S. History time periods next year. She is breezing through, (ok, some days not so "breezily") pre-Algebra. This week she will finish lesson 36, and take test 8.

In 3rd grade, E has pretty much finished everything, other than English. We switched in January, from R&S to LLATL, so she is actually BEHIND, and will continue working on grade 3 until she finishes. This will take her through the summer, and right up until she begins grade 4. I didn't want her to JUST be doing only English with a month of school left, so last Tuesday I ordered her grade 4 math and reading from BJU. They arrived LESS THAN 48 HOURS LATER. We did the first story in her reading, and, upon seeing how the first few chapters of her new math were completely review for her, I had her do the chapter review, and test for the 1st chapter of math, and skip all the lessons.

In other news we have:
>spent $1500 at the vet due to 2 cat emergencies, 2 cat neuterings (different cats), and getting my ex-husband's dogs that I have "temporarily" taken in (for the past 2 1/2 months, and probably for the foreseeable future) their shots, exams, and for the black lab, medical treatment for a severe ear infection.
> gotten taxes finally done, filed, and paid
> bought an air conditioner....which is WONDERFUL after last year without one, and with temperatures here in the midwest soaring into the 80's and 90's much earlier than usual already.
> continued working at the no-kill animal shelter
> bought a new lawn mower. Which meant I had to mow. Grass that was up to my knees because I hate mowing, and put off buying a mower. During which time I broke my right, big toe. Because I behaved in a very mature, Christian manner and kicked the lawn mower when it wouldn't start. : )

GRANDBABY NEWS: April had her first sonogram, 5 vials of blood drawn, and her first major doctor's appointment Monday. She asked me to be with her for all of it. The sonogram was first. It looks like I have a very active grandchild....even at only 9 weeks along, the baby was rolling from side to side, and waving it's little arm "buds" energetically. Everything with baby is fine, and it is simply amazing to see how this tiny creature already looks like a baby. However, April's glucose test came back abnormal, and she is going in to the hospital this morning to have a 3 hour extended fasting glucose testing done, because they think she has gestational diabetes. They normally don't check blood glucose this early in a pregnancy, but they tested her because she has a sister with Type I diabetes, and both grandpas also have it.

That covers the basics. Other than being extremely busy, we are all fine. I pray everyone reading this is doing well too.

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