Saturday, May 5, 2012

How are we so busy when we've FINISHED the School Year??

Well, let's see. In the past 4 weeks since I've posted C and E have both completed their school year. One would, naturally, assume that freed up a lot of time for all of us. I suppose it DID....but there have been so many other things going on that I'm more busy than ever, and I'm just thankful that schoolwork was completed just in time for me to be able to get to all the other stuff. My father in law has been hospitalized and had one surgery, and he is looking at another surgery in 3 weeks. In the interim, he is needing a little home health help, and since I live only 6 houses away from him, and have nursing experience, I've been going down there an hour or so each morning. The girls may be officially "done" with their school year, but we are never DONE. I intend to work a day or two each week with E through out the summer. I also signed the girls up for "College for Kids" at our local community college. They will each be taking 3 classes, which I will hopefully write about in a seperate post. Softball season has also begun. C has practices every M,W, and F evening, and E has practice every T and Th. In other words...every single weekday evening we have to rush around figuring out supper and bath schedules. It's also that time again...time for mowing and yardwork. I DID buy a new little push mower, and it makes a wonderful difference. I finish in half the time it took me the past 2 years, AND I have emphatically decided that my knees and legs (and time constraints) can simply not handle mowing and keeping up with TWO yards, and my son-in-law has taken over doing my husband's yard. Praise the Lord, because it was REALLY hard on me physically. April had 2 more doctor's appointments. She and the baby are both doing well. She has not had ANY morning sickness; her only complaint had been being extremely tired and sleeping all the time. She is getting past that phase now, and beginning to "show" a little. The girls and I (mainly the girls) have also been helping an elderly neighbor with her two cats that BOTH just had kittens. We've provided all the litter, food, and supplies, plus the girls clean the litter boxes, feed and water the cats, and sweep for this woman. We have taken one of the cats and her kittens in to the animal shelter we work at, and will soon be taking the second mother and litter in. We will be getting the mother cats spayed as soon as the kittens are all weaned. Between elderly neighbors, elderly father in laws, pregnant daughter and pregnant, nursing cats, plus the yardwork and hectic softball schedule, not to mention my normal chores and pet care at my own house, I have barely seen my poor husband. Some days, I have literally not seen him at ALL. Tomorrow we are leaving at 7 a.m. to go to the Indianapolis Zoo, and won't be home until probably around 8 p.m. April requested that for her 21st birthday present. I pray the weather isn't too awfully hot, and that my poor aching legs hold out, and that we can all just have a fun, safe day. That's life in a nutshell....

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