Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer school update

Story of turtle below.

Less than a month before the other kids go back to ps. We have been schooling off and on through the summer. 2 or 3 days/week, 2 hours each day for dd9, and maybe an hour each day for dd5.

C and I had a goal of the first 20 Math lessons, plus the investigations and tests that accompany them. We met that goal last week, and now are on "Math break". When we return full time to school I need a compass for her lessons. Since when do 4th graders use compasses?!?

C and I also had a goal to finsish 2 chapters in her LA book. We are only about 2/3 of the way through that goal. Sentence structure and Capitalization is boring, so we both tend to spend most of our "school time" on Math or History/Geography.

History...well, we are both LOVING Ancient times. She asks for us to do that almost daily. I am learning as much as she is. I don't remember learning any of this in school. We are over halfway through the book, and we spend about an hour each day that we do it.

We have done no formal science, but I have found out LIFE is science. Things always seem to come up. An example: 2 days ago a large snapping turtle appears in our driveway. This led to observing the turtle, calling the Humane Society and having them come pick up the turtle (after interrogating them as to their intentions after getting the turtle), watching how they captured the angry, jumping, snapping, and hissing (yes, they hiss) creature, and then spending an hour or two researching snapping turtles online. Both girls drew their own snappping turtle, and C added a list of interesting facts on her page. E was able to just tell me the facts. Then E and I read 2 stories in Aesop's Fables that had to do with turtles. I have seen plenty of turtles in my life fishing and camping, but never one in our own driveway that needed to be removed to a safe location. And for any of you concerned about what happened to it, my husband was getting a load of gravel down at the pit, and actually spoke to the Humane Society guys while they released the turtle in the beautiful, wild area around the old gravel pits and lakes. So he is much better off.

Back to the update. E has finished 50 out of 100 lessons in Teach your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. (cheesy name, not-too-bad book) She is about 1/3 through 1st grade phonics, almost halfway through her K math book, and is averaging a 100% in spelling. She is working on memorizing the Pledge of Allegiance. (unlike a certain presidential nominee...oh, wait! That's a different blog)

E loves "playing" with the globe, and can locate the equator, the continents, the Oceans, and Hawaii. She also knows the difference between the North and South poles, and knows by name the Pacific Ocean. She can tell me tons of information about Africa, it's people, it's animals, and it's major features, such as rainforests, deserts, and savannah's. She knows the Sahara is the largest desert in the world, and where it is. She knows the Nile is the longest river in the world, and can point it out, too.

I have a short unit study prepared for both girls featuring the Olympics, since it's almost time for them to begin. C and I are already studying ancient Greece, so it works out great, and I didn't even plan it that way.

Hope everyone is having a good summer.

Last curriculum is ordered! : )

I'm so excited! We homeschool moms agree the most exciting part of homeschooling is the curriculum....all the curriculum. Well, I've had a list made for months of the last few things I hoped to buy for the upcoming year. I've diligently read and re-read my RR catalog. (Rainbow Resource for all you non-hsers.)All 1258 pages. I've checked my list way more than twice. Finally I am caught up enough in my bills that I placed my order. The total was almost $200, and my wonderous husband merely said, "So? If that's what you need or want then buy it."

I am most excited about: Books 1,2, and 3 of Explode the Code for dd5, and also a 3 book geography series for her. For dd9 I am excited about Wordly Wise 3000, a vocab program. She doesn't need spelling, so I opted for a highly praised, challenging vocab book this year. I am anxious about a Critical Thinking book for dd9. This book alone cost $28, and it appears to be very challenging. I think it will be fun, though, and something different than the "read, answer questions, quiz, forget-about-it" schoolbooks she was accustomed to in ps. She will have to THINK.

The rest was 2 books for me, several books for dd9 to hopefuly enjoy reading, and incidentals such as laminated maps, charts, and educational games for both girls.

It will be shipped within one week, so within 10-14 days I shall have a huge box.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's been awhile...

I suppose I should update this.

C finished her softball season the past weekend. Her team finished in second place overall, 3rd place in tournaments. Not as well as her first year, but better than last year. We have the awards ceremony this coming weekend.

My husband lost his job 2 weeks ago. He starts a new one today. I pray this one works out. The other one wasn't actually a bad job. The best thing about the new one is that although he loses $1/hour, he doesn't have to drive an hour one way to get there. With the price of gas so high, $4.09/gal, the $40 each week he loses, won't even be noticed, with him only filling up every week or two, instead of 2-3 times a week. He's bummed about being "low man on the ladder", instead of the man with top seniority.

Daughter,5, has taken to swimming like a fish. I bought her "floaties" again this year, but she only wore them the first day in our pool. 5 seems to be the magic age for her learning the "big-girl" skills. Bike riding, reading, and swimming.

We are going on a shopping spree soon. Our 14 year old is a recipient of the Make-A-Wish foundation. We originally had planed to go on a trip to Disney 2 years ago. We couldn't figure out how to afford boarding our 8 dogs, 2 cats, and rabbit. Then B began getting into trouble at school and home, and we have spent the past 2 years dealing with all sorts of counseling, court, school meetings, etc for her. She finally decided she wants to get the shopping wish granted, which will be easier on all of us. I'm not sure of the budget yet, but in August or September, we will be picked up by limo, driven to several stores of her choosing, and have lunch/dinner out, all free for us. Her shopping list included: new bedding and a dresser, a computer, a TV, books, clothes, games, CD's, etc. I'm not so sure about the computer, but I have a feeling she will be allowed to get it. We just made sure she knew she wouldn't be allowed internet in her room. Her sisters each will get $50 spending money so they don't feel left out. It sounds like a long, tiring day, but sort of fun, too. B will be thrilled if she gets all the things she put on her list, and I will be thrilled if she just gets the dresser and new bedding!

There isn't a whole lot going on other than that. C and I still working a couple of days each week on Math, LA, and History. History and Math are both of our favorites. She's averaging A's in everything, as always. She and E are attending Vacation Bible School this week. I haven't been doing much school with E. I'm not worried. She is over half way through Kindergarten, but wouldn't even be allowed to start for another month in public school.