Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's been awhile...

I suppose I should update this.

C finished her softball season the past weekend. Her team finished in second place overall, 3rd place in tournaments. Not as well as her first year, but better than last year. We have the awards ceremony this coming weekend.

My husband lost his job 2 weeks ago. He starts a new one today. I pray this one works out. The other one wasn't actually a bad job. The best thing about the new one is that although he loses $1/hour, he doesn't have to drive an hour one way to get there. With the price of gas so high, $4.09/gal, the $40 each week he loses, won't even be noticed, with him only filling up every week or two, instead of 2-3 times a week. He's bummed about being "low man on the ladder", instead of the man with top seniority.

Daughter,5, has taken to swimming like a fish. I bought her "floaties" again this year, but she only wore them the first day in our pool. 5 seems to be the magic age for her learning the "big-girl" skills. Bike riding, reading, and swimming.

We are going on a shopping spree soon. Our 14 year old is a recipient of the Make-A-Wish foundation. We originally had planed to go on a trip to Disney 2 years ago. We couldn't figure out how to afford boarding our 8 dogs, 2 cats, and rabbit. Then B began getting into trouble at school and home, and we have spent the past 2 years dealing with all sorts of counseling, court, school meetings, etc for her. She finally decided she wants to get the shopping wish granted, which will be easier on all of us. I'm not sure of the budget yet, but in August or September, we will be picked up by limo, driven to several stores of her choosing, and have lunch/dinner out, all free for us. Her shopping list included: new bedding and a dresser, a computer, a TV, books, clothes, games, CD's, etc. I'm not so sure about the computer, but I have a feeling she will be allowed to get it. We just made sure she knew she wouldn't be allowed internet in her room. Her sisters each will get $50 spending money so they don't feel left out. It sounds like a long, tiring day, but sort of fun, too. B will be thrilled if she gets all the things she put on her list, and I will be thrilled if she just gets the dresser and new bedding!

There isn't a whole lot going on other than that. C and I still working a couple of days each week on Math, LA, and History. History and Math are both of our favorites. She's averaging A's in everything, as always. She and E are attending Vacation Bible School this week. I haven't been doing much school with E. I'm not worried. She is over half way through Kindergarten, but wouldn't even be allowed to start for another month in public school.

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