Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Last curriculum is ordered! : )

I'm so excited! We homeschool moms agree the most exciting part of homeschooling is the curriculum....all the curriculum. Well, I've had a list made for months of the last few things I hoped to buy for the upcoming year. I've diligently read and re-read my RR catalog. (Rainbow Resource for all you non-hsers.)All 1258 pages. I've checked my list way more than twice. Finally I am caught up enough in my bills that I placed my order. The total was almost $200, and my wonderous husband merely said, "So? If that's what you need or want then buy it."

I am most excited about: Books 1,2, and 3 of Explode the Code for dd5, and also a 3 book geography series for her. For dd9 I am excited about Wordly Wise 3000, a vocab program. She doesn't need spelling, so I opted for a highly praised, challenging vocab book this year. I am anxious about a Critical Thinking book for dd9. This book alone cost $28, and it appears to be very challenging. I think it will be fun, though, and something different than the "read, answer questions, quiz, forget-about-it" schoolbooks she was accustomed to in ps. She will have to THINK.

The rest was 2 books for me, several books for dd9 to hopefuly enjoy reading, and incidentals such as laminated maps, charts, and educational games for both girls.

It will be shipped within one week, so within 10-14 days I shall have a huge box.

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