Another year of softball is finished for C and E. This was C's 7th year playing, and her team finished up in 2nd place. She pretty much played shortstop this year, alternating to 3rd base and left field.
E's team finished in 1st place. E also alternated between shortstop and 3rd base. This was her final year playing in "C" league; next year she moves up.
While the girls love playing, and I love seeing them play, I am glad another season is over. So many unexpected things to do have come up this summer, that I just am not finding enough time in the day to get everything done. Not having to have early baths and supper to spend the evenings at the ball field will free up some much needed time.
Both girls also completed 2 sessions of their college enrichment classes for children:
*C took and earned a certificate in Babysitting and Child Safety.
*C took 2 science classes, one of which she greatly enjoyed, and the other she found very boring, telling me every day, "I already knew all that. We've already done that at home for school."
*C took a Spanish class, which was very fun and unformative.
*E took 2 art classes, and brought home DOZENS of examples of techniques and artwork.
*E took a dance/tumbling class, and performed a choreographed routine with her class. She did so well, and impressed me so much, that I hope to enroll her in some sort of dance or gymnastics class through the school year.
*E took an "Outdoor Games" class, which was mainly for fun and to burn off energy.
*BOTH girls took a Self-Defense class. It was NOT either one's first choice, but it ended up being their favorite class of them all. They learned a TON of information and skills to defend themselves, but the main focus of the class was an introduction to Tae Kwan Do (sp). They enjoyed telling us all they learned and demonstrating their new moves. They are now entitled to 2 weeks free classes at their teacher's martial arts school, which we will take advantage of soon. Seeing how much they learned, and how well they remembered and performed, and hearing them excitedly tell us everything their teacher taught them was amazing. This went from a last choice class to both of their favorites.
All in all they had a lot of fun, and learned a ton this summer. We've been so busy, not only with the classes and softball, but with the MANY extra things that keep popping up (extra doctor's appointments for both a father in law and April, extra pet care and volunteer work due to a negligent neighbor, a death in the family, and ongoing legal issues with the girls dad, who needs prayers, btw)...we just have NOT gotten much school done, nor have I accomplished ANYTHING I'd planned to get done during our summer "break".
I DO have all, but our science materials ordered and at the house....most of them still sitting in boxes in my living room, barely glanced at. I DID buy a computer....I just haven't had time to get it hooked up to internet yet. I HAVE kept up with yard work....but as the drought has made it so I've only had to mow ONCE in two months, that entails only weeding, watering, and keeping bushes trimmed. How do the weeds and bushes keep growing when the grass and trees are dying?? I HAVE kept up with housework....once a week maybe. We HAVE done SOME school.....2 math lessons for C, I believe, and 5 or 6 for E.
So...this next month or so is reserved for catching up and completing tasks I've had planned for all summer. Dentist visits, sorting books and getting organized, setting up and actually GOING to get my estimated taxes done (UGH!!!!), getting my computer actually hooked up, trading in my old vehicle, and buying a new one, taking ALL pets to the vet for shots and grooming, and also boarding while the girls and I take our first-ever VACATION! I've been longing to take them to my childhood summer home on the Great Lakes, and I intend to DO it sometime in mid to late August. I have not been on a vacation since C was a toddler....10 or more years ago! I grew up traveling all over, and I feel my daughters' education is sorely lacking not being able to see new places and experience all that our country has to offer. I have tons of places to go on my "travel wish-list", but taking them to where I had so many years of enjoyment and learning experiences is tops on the list.I may have done very well in school, but I attribute everything I know to 2 things... TRAVEL and READING voracious amounts of books.
Obviously, our busy summer is not over yet, and I don't intend to write much on here. Hopefully, next time I write, I will have gotten much more done. I'm completely overwhelmed with stress, but we are slowly, but surely making progress.
Oh...and for anyone who cares....3 1/2 months till I'm a grandma : )
Excuse me in advance for any typos. I'm not going back and proofreading. I don't have time1 LOL
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