Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Wedding

Saturday was my daughter's wedding. C was a junior bridesmaid. E was the flower girl. Dad walked her down the aisle. As of right now I have no pictures of Dad walking her down the aisle, because he had the cameras in his pocket when he did! LOL

Here are my 3 girls shortly before the wedding: E took her job as flower girl very seriously. She behaved perfectly, and went so far as to stop and try to pick the flower petals BACK UP after the wedding.

The bride and bridesmaids. April chose the colors; they chose their own dresses.

Dad with his oldest daughter just prior to ceremony.

Ring on her finger:

Praying before lighting their unity candle....

JUST married!

The entire wedding party:

The obligatory photo of the newlyweds "shoving" a pice of cake into each other's mouth. They did it very carefully and neatly because Lance was worried about getting so much as a crumb on his Air Force dress blues.

My daughter, April, and my new son-in-law, Lance:

I pray that God will bless them both in this new life together.

Monday, May 18, 2009

It runs in the family....

First my mother. Then me. Now C. Too many people don't value animals, but not in our family!

Here is C with our 2 indoor-only cats: Mitsy, the grey and white kitty, is 16. Pepper, on C's lap, is 4 1/2.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


A is 18 today! (So I can use her name now.)

I met April when she was 6. She's not my daughter in the true sense, in that I didn't give birth to her. When I met her she was pretty messed up over her mother leaving her Dad, her sister, and her. She was fiercly loyal to her biological mother, and I was fine with that. I wasn't going to try to be her "new mommy" or something like that. After several years of her loyalty to someone who never showed up for visits, never remembered to call or even send a card on birthdays, and never even called on Christmas I started to get tired of it. I understood she loved her mother, but after years of raising her, teaching her, trying to do the best I could at parenting her, I did grow tired of it. I thought April would never see that I loved her.

When she was 12 her mother kidnapped her and her sister. We didn't hear from them for over 2 weeks. We had no idea where they were. I could barely sleep for worrying about her that time. I wasn't worried about her sister, because her sister always had tons of attention from her mother, but I was frantic about April. When we finally found them, and went to pick them up I was furious. Not at the girls, but at the situation. I started crying in the car, and told April how worried we'd been, and how much I loved her. She said she'd tried to call me, but her mother had caught her, and she'd gotten in trouble. From then on April and I became the best of friends.

Four months after the kidnapping, I left my husband for awhile. I begged him to let me take April with me, but he wouldn't allow it. When I left, April climbed in the back of the U-Haul, and bawled the entire time I packed my things. I was bawling the entire time, too, but I couldn't stay due to marital issues that were pretty bad at the time.

I moved across the country. It was like I'd never left. EVERY morning at 5, as soon as I woke up, I'd turn on my computer. I wouldn't even have coffee poured, and April was "buzzing" me on instant messenger. She would talk to me all day. We had web-cams, so we could just sit and talk like we were right there. I told her she drove me nuts that summer, but in reality it was sweet. She called me once in a panic. Her dad was at work, she was home alone, and there was a tornado warning. I had to calm her down, talk her through it till her dad got home. I tried to get her to go to the basement, but she was too scared. I think I was more frantic than she was...from 1.000 miles away all I could do was talk to her, worry, and then REALLY worry when they lost power for 3 days, and I didn't know if she was all right!

After 2 months, I missed my husband too much to stay gone, so I came home. I will never forget pulling into our driveway. April was on the phone, watching for me. She saw me, THREW the phone across the yard, and LEAPED a good 15 feet from the porch steps to my arms as I stepped out of the van. LOL She jumped into my arms like a little kid, screaming. "Mom's home! Mom's home!"

As I write this I want to cry. I have so many memories of April growing up. I remember I thought she'd NEVER get over her first boyfriend. I remember her struggles in school. I remember her heartache over her real mother. I remember when she was 14 she and I had an "unofficial" adoption ceremony. I remember spending hours playing "Guitar Hero" with her. I remember all the movies we watched together, because we were the only 2 in the house wanting to see them. I remember all the books we've shared. All the videos I've made of her dancing; she's a complete goofball. : ) I remember the bad times, too...but won't mention them here. SHE knows.

April took her sweet time to warm up to me, but 12 years later I can't ask for a better friend or daughter. I think she's an idiot for getting married in 9!!!! days, but I'm happy she has a good guy who loves her, and will be good to her. I'm sad she isn't going to college, but she never was cut out for school. I'm happy she has found a church, and is interested in the Bible. I'm SO proud of her for being the first one ever in her entire family (biological parents, not me) to graduate high school.

She's 18 now. Free to do anything. She will soon be 1,000 miles away from me. : ( I'm going to be the typical mother, and bawl my head off through her wedding. I will bawl even more, as this time SHE is the one driving away, and I know she won't be back.

April...pookie...I love you. You are just as much a daughter to me as C and E, even though I missed the first 6 years of your life. Happy birthday.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Please excuse Rebecca from her blog for a few weeks....

She has:

1.) Spent the past week helping her husband clean out over 3,000 pounds of garbage/junk/things-hubby-brought-home-from-jobsites-that-he-thought-were-useful, and-then-never-used from the garage. After living here 8 years I realize we actually have a 2 car garage. Who knew?

2.) Also spent the past week weeding, breaking up ground, planting seeds and flowers on the south side of our house. I do NOT have a green thumb, but the girls wanted flowers, and I decided we could try. It actually looks quite pretty, and will look more so in a few months. I might take a picture and post it, but then...you all know how I am with actually posting photos. : )

3.) Finalizing wedding plans for my eldest daughter. She is only 18, but has been engaged over a year now. The wedding has been planned for June 6th, and suddenly 2 weeks ago was moved to the 23rd of May due to her fiance's leave from the Air Force. In addition to the date change, dear daughter has somehow gone from a simple, family only, wedding, to tons of people, a fancy wedding dress (after changing her mind 4 times she found a beautiful one on loan from a friend for free.) bridesmaids, millions of flowers and candles, and the whole she-bang. Always lovely to have less than 2 weeks to get all that together. I WILL post pictures of that!

4.) My husband and I are now coaches for softball. This will be C's 4th year in softball, but we have never coached before. For anything. We kind of had no choice....there are 2 teams who had no coaches, and we (I) volunteered. D is more of a coach than I am....he actually does softball stuff with the team. So far, I just print out schedules, plan to keep the stats book, and provide whatever might be needed that does not include athletic ability. : ) That's probably (definitely) for the best. I'm the least athletic person in this family, not to mention legally blind. My normal outfield mode is to duck when someone warns me a ball is headed for me.

So...I've been busy. I haven't had time for much school at all, although C 10 is plugging away at English and Grammar.

D has an MRI this evening for his back. He's already had X-rays, and been going to the doctor 3 times/week for 2 months. Hopefully they can find and fix whatever's wrong before the end of the month or we won't be able to. With A getting married, we won't qualify for health insurance anymore, and can't afford private insurance.