Monday, August 20, 2012

We Just Got Back From...

....the girls' first ever VACATION. We had the most wonderful time. We spent most of our time here:

And when I have time I will tell more about it....oh, and as you can see, I bought a new computer, and now have the capability to once again post pictures. : )

Sunday, August 5, 2012


I never thought I'd write a post about rain, but it has been over 2 MONTHS since we've had a drop! Not one drop! I've only mowed ONCE in 12 weeks, and I only mowed then (June 24th) to get the weeds cut down.There was no grass by then, whereas I normally mow every 5-6 days. But even the weeds have long since died off.

But I awoke to the blessed sound of thunder at 3 this morning, and jumped out of bed to open the curtains and watch a thunderstorm and pouring rain for about 40 minutes. It's, of course, nowhere near as much as we need. Even the lakes are drying up around here, and our trees are dying, and it's way too late for the crops, but it WAS rain, and more than just a sprinkle. Thank you, God.