We finished school Friday. We will be on break until January 7th. I have been cleaning and sorting all weekend. Look at all this curriculum I donated to the Goodwill Saturday! I'm too lazy to post ads for sale, and keep having to make trips to the post office. I had no idea I had this much! (We did not donate the cat. LOL)
We also donated about 80 additional books to the library. The above picture is just of the curriculum.
I was also able to finish up my Christmas shopping yesterday morning. Today we will be doing our last-minute grocery shopping, cooking our Christmas Eve dinner, and baking cookies. Tomorrow the girls and I will just enjoy at home with our small family.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Good-bye Saxon
After 9 years, we are finally saying good-bye to Saxon math. Colleen began using this when she was in public school. I have a certain sentimental attachment to Saxon math. BECAUSE she used it in ps, and I was familiar with it, and because I was a homeschooling novice and knew of no other math program back then, Saxon was what I ordered for her. In fact, Saxon 54 was the very first homeschooling purchase I ever made. I actually ordered it 4 months before I pulled Colleen out of ps.
Saxon worked well for us up until this year. This year we have been doing pre-algebra. We are almost finished with the book. It is December, a time when I typically have been researching and choosing the next year's curriculum. Colleen normally begins her next grade level in January or February. Because she will be moving up to 9th grade, a FRESHMAN, AND because she has really been struggling with pre-algebra, I have been stressing myself out to the max over what math to use for her. Saxon seemed fine for the lower grades. Colleen caught on and moved through each grade level quickly. For 4 months now, I have known I would NOT continue to use Saxon math for her. For four months I have looked and looked, researched, asked other parents what works for THEIR child, looked at samples online, watched videos, discussed math programs ad nauseum with Colleen, made HER watch videos, read reviews, take placement tests.
Each day we struggle through math. Colleen takes about an hour, maybe a little more, doing her 30 daily problems, and each Friday she takes a test. However, we then have to take ANOTHER 45 minutes or so correcting all the problems she is missing. Saxon calls itself "incremental", which is a code word for spiral mathematics that just leap from topic to topic randomly, with only about 3 problems each assignment that actually have to do with the lesson for that day. Ok, maybe SAXON has a rhyme and reason for them leaping from topic to topic, but I sure don't see it, and it isn't working for us. And of course Saxon is well known for its tedious, repetitive practice OVERLOAD in the primary grades. But then we get to the higher levels of math and there is less and less practice. The past couple of weeks I have actually been spending my mornings making up my own practice problems for Colleen to do before we even open her book.
Um....why am I writing out pages of practice problems when I HAVE a book? Why do they introduce a concept, such as solving for 2 variables, and then only have 2 problems per problem set dealing with this? Yes, to ME, it is easy. I LOVE algebra. (I'm a geek, what can I say?) To my 14 year old daughter, it is difficult, and she doesn't "get it". Well, if you are in softball, you don't expect to show up at practice and hit fair balls, only batting twice a day. Ok, yes, for some people that works. My younger daughter doesn't even need to keep hearing me explain a new concept; she tells me, "Ok, Mom, I know." and has the problems done while I'm still talking. Colleen, on the other hand has reached a level where she simply needs more practice, and more consistency in the lessons, not jumping from one topic to the next. Then Colleen gets frustrated and angry, slamming the book and declaring herself stupid.
Ok, so for 4 months now I have known this was it. I knew Saxon was done in this house. I just haven't known WHAT was going to replace it. Colleen doesn't LIKE any of the samples we have looked at online. She doesn't WANT a video/DVD teacher. Colleen is pretty set in her ways for such a young girl. She doesn't like change of any kind. She actually WANTED to stick with Saxon through high school math. She figures I can just keep holding her hand and getting her through it. We went with change for math once, 2 years ago, and went with a mastery math program, and it was a dismal failure. Most likely because it revealed WAY too many gaps that Saxon had left.
I have been stressing out over ALL our soon-to-be-ordered curriculum, for both girls. But Algebra has definitely been my main worry. I have never spent this much time deciding on curriculum. I've been close to choosing a popular video text math, but Colleen just could not abide the thought of the man's voice doing the teaching on the DVD. Can't say I blame her. I almost chose another program, too, but something kept stopping me. Other than that, I was up in the air, starting to panic over it being almost Christmas break, and not only do I not HAVE next year's math here at the house, I don't even know WHAT next year's math will be. I was just about to throw in the towel, and just order Saxon, but I just couldn't quite make myself do it. Much as I love algebra, I just don't want to spend all my free time writing out equations and problems. That's what the book is for.
And then. Last night. (hear the choir of angels singing in the background here?) I was idly on another site reading math reviews. This is for a company that only has math for grades 1-6. BUT.....it has suggestions for what to move on to from that particular program. And since, like most homeschooling mothers, I am addicted to researching curriculum, I clicked on the links to read reviews of higher maths. And there were several there I had never even heard of. Then I read user reviews. Then I went over to Amazon, and read their user reviews. Then I made Colleen come over here to the computer, and I showed HER, because it was truly the best looking Algebra program I've seen yet. AND SHE LIKED IT TOO.
And so...an end to an era....good-bye Saxon. You were good for awhile, but it's time for you to move aside for: Jacob's Algebra. As soon as I looked at Jacob's Algebra (and their Geometry, too, because what homeschooling mom doesn't look ahead at the upcoming years?) I just KNEW this was the one. Really, I felt it was right. And when Colleen agreed, and was SMILING over a MATH prgram? Yeah, that clinched it. So, in just little more than an hour, I will be calling Rainbow Resource (yes, I'm old-fashioned, and like to CALL in the order, as opposed to ordering online.) and ordering this. We will start it as soon as we go back to school in January after Christmas break.
Saxon worked well for us up until this year. This year we have been doing pre-algebra. We are almost finished with the book. It is December, a time when I typically have been researching and choosing the next year's curriculum. Colleen normally begins her next grade level in January or February. Because she will be moving up to 9th grade, a FRESHMAN, AND because she has really been struggling with pre-algebra, I have been stressing myself out to the max over what math to use for her. Saxon seemed fine for the lower grades. Colleen caught on and moved through each grade level quickly. For 4 months now, I have known I would NOT continue to use Saxon math for her. For four months I have looked and looked, researched, asked other parents what works for THEIR child, looked at samples online, watched videos, discussed math programs ad nauseum with Colleen, made HER watch videos, read reviews, take placement tests.
Each day we struggle through math. Colleen takes about an hour, maybe a little more, doing her 30 daily problems, and each Friday she takes a test. However, we then have to take ANOTHER 45 minutes or so correcting all the problems she is missing. Saxon calls itself "incremental", which is a code word for spiral mathematics that just leap from topic to topic randomly, with only about 3 problems each assignment that actually have to do with the lesson for that day. Ok, maybe SAXON has a rhyme and reason for them leaping from topic to topic, but I sure don't see it, and it isn't working for us. And of course Saxon is well known for its tedious, repetitive practice OVERLOAD in the primary grades. But then we get to the higher levels of math and there is less and less practice. The past couple of weeks I have actually been spending my mornings making up my own practice problems for Colleen to do before we even open her book.
Um....why am I writing out pages of practice problems when I HAVE a book? Why do they introduce a concept, such as solving for 2 variables, and then only have 2 problems per problem set dealing with this? Yes, to ME, it is easy. I LOVE algebra. (I'm a geek, what can I say?) To my 14 year old daughter, it is difficult, and she doesn't "get it". Well, if you are in softball, you don't expect to show up at practice and hit fair balls, only batting twice a day. Ok, yes, for some people that works. My younger daughter doesn't even need to keep hearing me explain a new concept; she tells me, "Ok, Mom, I know." and has the problems done while I'm still talking. Colleen, on the other hand has reached a level where she simply needs more practice, and more consistency in the lessons, not jumping from one topic to the next. Then Colleen gets frustrated and angry, slamming the book and declaring herself stupid.
Ok, so for 4 months now I have known this was it. I knew Saxon was done in this house. I just haven't known WHAT was going to replace it. Colleen doesn't LIKE any of the samples we have looked at online. She doesn't WANT a video/DVD teacher. Colleen is pretty set in her ways for such a young girl. She doesn't like change of any kind. She actually WANTED to stick with Saxon through high school math. She figures I can just keep holding her hand and getting her through it. We went with change for math once, 2 years ago, and went with a mastery math program, and it was a dismal failure. Most likely because it revealed WAY too many gaps that Saxon had left.
I have been stressing out over ALL our soon-to-be-ordered curriculum, for both girls. But Algebra has definitely been my main worry. I have never spent this much time deciding on curriculum. I've been close to choosing a popular video text math, but Colleen just could not abide the thought of the man's voice doing the teaching on the DVD. Can't say I blame her. I almost chose another program, too, but something kept stopping me. Other than that, I was up in the air, starting to panic over it being almost Christmas break, and not only do I not HAVE next year's math here at the house, I don't even know WHAT next year's math will be. I was just about to throw in the towel, and just order Saxon, but I just couldn't quite make myself do it. Much as I love algebra, I just don't want to spend all my free time writing out equations and problems. That's what the book is for.
And then. Last night. (hear the choir of angels singing in the background here?) I was idly on another site reading math reviews. This is for a company that only has math for grades 1-6. BUT.....it has suggestions for what to move on to from that particular program. And since, like most homeschooling mothers, I am addicted to researching curriculum, I clicked on the links to read reviews of higher maths. And there were several there I had never even heard of. Then I read user reviews. Then I went over to Amazon, and read their user reviews. Then I made Colleen come over here to the computer, and I showed HER, because it was truly the best looking Algebra program I've seen yet. AND SHE LIKED IT TOO.
And so...an end to an era....good-bye Saxon. You were good for awhile, but it's time for you to move aside for: Jacob's Algebra. As soon as I looked at Jacob's Algebra (and their Geometry, too, because what homeschooling mom doesn't look ahead at the upcoming years?) I just KNEW this was the one. Really, I felt it was right. And when Colleen agreed, and was SMILING over a MATH prgram? Yeah, that clinched it. So, in just little more than an hour, I will be calling Rainbow Resource (yes, I'm old-fashioned, and like to CALL in the order, as opposed to ordering online.) and ordering this. We will start it as soon as we go back to school in January after Christmas break.
curriculum review,
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Best Buy Ain't Got Nothin' On Me....
And they told me there was no way to transfer 5 1/2 years worth of our old Wii data to my brand new one. Ha!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
So we got vitually NO school done in November
The first week of November entailed my 2 youngest daughters getting food posioning, and then just when they were starting to recover I got it about 5 times worse. I don't recall being that sick to my stomach EVER, and I don't wish to repeat it. I was only sick 24 hours, but lost 11 pounds. It took me the rest of the week to get back to feeling normal, but I only had one day to sleep, before my oldest daughter went into labor. So, after only the one day of rest, I then went 58 hours with no sleep, at the hospital with her. It was well worth it, though, because being there with her, and seeing my grandson being born was the most amazing, awesome experience ever.
The whole time I was sick, recovering, and gone at the hospital, 14 year old Colleen took care of EVERYTHING here at the house, even sacrificing her sleep time to get up at 6:45 two mornings in a row to come take care of our 16 pets. (I promise we aren't hoarders; they are all very well taken care of and my house is as clean as any homeschooler's house is.) I could not have done it without Colleen's help, though.
Two days after the baby was born, we had a cat emergency, requiring us to make a late Saturday night trip to the vet for a deathly sick cat, who ended up anesthetized just for the vet to be able to examine him, and then undergoing surgery.
The next few days involved a few visits over to April's house, because she was afraid to change her new son's diaper for fear of hurting him, and was letting her husband do ALL the baby care. Since he was going back to work the next day, she needed to learn to do it herself. She went through a brief period of new mommy panic, but all is well now.
My husband had a birthday early in the month, but unfortunately that was the day I was half dead from being sick. His dad also had a birthday, which I DID manage to at least get his presents to him on time. My husband had to wait 11 days before I had time to make his birthday dinner and cake, and that was all he got this year.
So by now it is mid-November, and I think we will get back on track with school. But, alas, another sick cat, another trip to the vet, and a sick baby. Thankfully, Brendan just had a common case of thrush, but it took our whole afternoon waiting for the doctor to call back, and me to go get his medicine. Of course his health insurance card came in the mail about an hour AFTER I left. LOL
Then Thanksgiving week. Which, as all of you know, entails a gigantic grocery shopping trip and two days of cooking. The girls and I work at the animal shelter on Thanksgiving Day, itself, since they don't get much help on holidays, and had our dinner Friday. Saturday we worked at the animal shelter again, since we wouldn't be able to go for our usual Sunday hours. Last Sunday we went to my ex-sister-in-law's for a second Thanksgiving dinner. I am turkey'd out, but it was all good. Just a really busy week, and a really busy month. One thing after another.
This past week, we actually got things accomplished. We got our 7 month old kitten neutered...the last of my pets to need "fixed". This one was a planned vet visit, unlike the two prior emergency cat visits. We did school every single day, and we managed to do every single 4th grade subject, and every single 8th grade subject done.
I am proud of my daughters for working so hard all week, and all month, helping me, dealing with all the baby and cat issues. We have 3 more weeks till we go on Christmas break, so I pray we have a smoother month, and can meet our goals for schoolwork.
Now I have 23 days to figure out Christmas. : )
The whole time I was sick, recovering, and gone at the hospital, 14 year old Colleen took care of EVERYTHING here at the house, even sacrificing her sleep time to get up at 6:45 two mornings in a row to come take care of our 16 pets. (I promise we aren't hoarders; they are all very well taken care of and my house is as clean as any homeschooler's house is.) I could not have done it without Colleen's help, though.
Two days after the baby was born, we had a cat emergency, requiring us to make a late Saturday night trip to the vet for a deathly sick cat, who ended up anesthetized just for the vet to be able to examine him, and then undergoing surgery.
The next few days involved a few visits over to April's house, because she was afraid to change her new son's diaper for fear of hurting him, and was letting her husband do ALL the baby care. Since he was going back to work the next day, she needed to learn to do it herself. She went through a brief period of new mommy panic, but all is well now.
My husband had a birthday early in the month, but unfortunately that was the day I was half dead from being sick. His dad also had a birthday, which I DID manage to at least get his presents to him on time. My husband had to wait 11 days before I had time to make his birthday dinner and cake, and that was all he got this year.
So by now it is mid-November, and I think we will get back on track with school. But, alas, another sick cat, another trip to the vet, and a sick baby. Thankfully, Brendan just had a common case of thrush, but it took our whole afternoon waiting for the doctor to call back, and me to go get his medicine. Of course his health insurance card came in the mail about an hour AFTER I left. LOL
Then Thanksgiving week. Which, as all of you know, entails a gigantic grocery shopping trip and two days of cooking. The girls and I work at the animal shelter on Thanksgiving Day, itself, since they don't get much help on holidays, and had our dinner Friday. Saturday we worked at the animal shelter again, since we wouldn't be able to go for our usual Sunday hours. Last Sunday we went to my ex-sister-in-law's for a second Thanksgiving dinner. I am turkey'd out, but it was all good. Just a really busy week, and a really busy month. One thing after another.
This past week, we actually got things accomplished. We got our 7 month old kitten neutered...the last of my pets to need "fixed". This one was a planned vet visit, unlike the two prior emergency cat visits. We did school every single day, and we managed to do every single 4th grade subject, and every single 8th grade subject done.
I am proud of my daughters for working so hard all week, and all month, helping me, dealing with all the baby and cat issues. We have 3 more weeks till we go on Christmas break, so I pray we have a smoother month, and can meet our goals for schoolwork.
Now I have 23 days to figure out Christmas. : )
Thursday, November 22, 2012
A Precious New Life to be Thankful for This Year : )
I am thankful every day for the special people in my life, most especially my daughters, being their mom, being blessed to raise and homeschool them. But 2 weeks ago today, a NEW little person came into this world.....my first grandson.
Announcing Brendan Dean. I was blessed to be present for April's entire labor and delivery. Both she and Brendan are healthy. Here is Brendan about 10 minutes after birth:
His first family photo:
MY first photo as a GRANDMA: (this is what I look like after 58 hours with no sleep, LOL)
Aunt C:
Aunt E:
And Brendan and happy parents just a few days ago:
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! The girls and I are off to work at the animal shelter this morning, as we did last year. We will have our family dinner tomorrow, and another Thanksgiving dinner Sunday at my ex-sister-in-law's house.
Announcing Brendan Dean. I was blessed to be present for April's entire labor and delivery. Both she and Brendan are healthy. Here is Brendan about 10 minutes after birth:
His first family photo:
MY first photo as a GRANDMA: (this is what I look like after 58 hours with no sleep, LOL)
Aunt C:
Aunt E:
And Brendan and happy parents just a few days ago:
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! The girls and I are off to work at the animal shelter this morning, as we did last year. We will have our family dinner tomorrow, and another Thanksgiving dinner Sunday at my ex-sister-in-law's house.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
It's Been Awhile Since I've Written a School Update
C will have her 8th grade year completed by January or February, as usual, and I have already chosen part of her 9th grade curriculum. She has completed 76 lessons, and 18 tests in her Saxon pre-algebra. She has been averaging a B for math, although yesterday she got a C on her test. I took half off on 2 problems because she didn't fully reduce the answers, although she had the correct answers, which dropped her grade from a 90 to an 85.
She does 2 lessons per day in her Easy Grammar. They take her all of maybe 5 minutes, and are, frankly, a waste of her time to do, and my time to grade, but it covers the legal requirements for covering grammar. : )
She is doing very well with Apologia's Jump In writing. She doesn't LIKE it, but there will never be anything involving writing for this girl that she will like. We have completed the first 3 chapters, an opinion, a persuasive essay, and a cause-and-effect-persuasive paper. She actually wrote the persuasive paper twice. Once for school, and once in a different, very limited word count, to send in to the local paper's Letters to the Editor. Now we are taking a "break" and doing Jump In's writing plunges for a couple of weeks. You would think that would be easy, but for this child, it is like pulling teeth. Ironically, E was upset that SHE couldn't do writing plunges, so at her request, she is now writing on C's assigned topics, too. At least one of my children enjoys writing.
Social Studies....well, that is MY favorite subject of the year, maybe because we have spent 8 weeks studying the Holocaust. This year we are using something I stumbled into by accident, and that no one I've heard of uses: Perfection Learnings "Literature and Thought". (Sorry, if I knew how to insert links that actually worked into my blog I would, but they never work...google it if you're interested....I HIGHLY recommend this program.) Anyway, this program consists of short, 4-6 week studies of certain historical eras/events using actual literature from that period, letters, documents, personal narratives, newspaper articles, poems, etc. It combines History and Literature, and yes, more writing, into one subject. Yes, we could have gotten this done in the 4-6 weeks it is supposed to take, but because of how in-depth we have gone, we have spent longer. Each chaper, or "cluster" as they call it, has several short pieces of literature, with vocabulary words, and comprehension and analysis questions. But there is also one MAIN question that is to answered throughout the entire cluster, and at the end, instead of a test, she writes a paper to answer the overall question. There are also tons of suggested further reading (and funny, with my fascination with the Holocaust, I already own much of it, LOL), and websites for further research. C and I have spent hours watching videos of actual liberation footage, interviews with many of the victims and authors, and extra rabbit-trails. In addition to the topics in the book, we have had to learn about atomic bombs and the after-effects of nuclear war, due to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Yesterday we were discussing other instances of genocide, and got on a roll gathering information about the UN. Which has an excellent website, for any of you interested. Who knew? LOL And of course, I happen to have numerous books on Rwanda and Darfur, too, you know, for anyone wanting to do further reading. Anyway, this program has been wonderful...everything I'd hoped for when I found it and more. We will finish up the Holocaust this week, and after a week or so break, we will be studying the Constitution. Not as fun, maybe, but I can't think of a better time in history to be studying and learning about the foundations our country was built on and supposed to be following.
Go figure...I just rambled so much about HISTORY that I am making this too long. That pretty much leaves science. This year, C is "unschooling" science. For those of you that aren't homeschoolers, this means she has no formal textbook, and follows her own interests. Considering we are a very sciencey family, and cover a variety of science topics in our day to day life, we aren't having a problem with this. As I've already posted, C took 6 enrichment classes over the summer at our local community college. 4 of them were science classes, and one was a babysitting/first aid class, which would constitute as a "Health" class. She is also helping E and I do Abeka's 5th grade science this year. (Which is my all time favorite science text ever, and I'm loving getting to do it again with a second child.) I'm amazed at how much C remembers of this book from when we did it 4 years ago. We are currently studying geology, which coincides perfectly with C's ongoing interest in rocks. I let both girls choose and order several items from Home Science Tools this year, and the first thing C chose was an entire kit about rocks.
Well, my original intention was to post a brief update on both girls' progress so far this year. I should have known I'd never keep it brief. Sorry, E, but I'll get to your school update at a later time. I WILL mention that E is FLYING through BJU Math 4 with, as always, straight A's. Her spelling, while no where close to perfect, has steadily been vastly imroving, too, and her cursive handwriting is gorgeous. She can't print worth a hoot, though, still looks like a first grader's printing. It's embarrassing, so we just stick to cursive. ; )
Hope all my readers are doing well, and hopefully next time I post I will be a GRANDMA....the baby is due in only 9 more days!
She does 2 lessons per day in her Easy Grammar. They take her all of maybe 5 minutes, and are, frankly, a waste of her time to do, and my time to grade, but it covers the legal requirements for covering grammar. : )
She is doing very well with Apologia's Jump In writing. She doesn't LIKE it, but there will never be anything involving writing for this girl that she will like. We have completed the first 3 chapters, an opinion, a persuasive essay, and a cause-and-effect-persuasive paper. She actually wrote the persuasive paper twice. Once for school, and once in a different, very limited word count, to send in to the local paper's Letters to the Editor. Now we are taking a "break" and doing Jump In's writing plunges for a couple of weeks. You would think that would be easy, but for this child, it is like pulling teeth. Ironically, E was upset that SHE couldn't do writing plunges, so at her request, she is now writing on C's assigned topics, too. At least one of my children enjoys writing.
Social Studies....well, that is MY favorite subject of the year, maybe because we have spent 8 weeks studying the Holocaust. This year we are using something I stumbled into by accident, and that no one I've heard of uses: Perfection Learnings "Literature and Thought". (Sorry, if I knew how to insert links that actually worked into my blog I would, but they never work...google it if you're interested....I HIGHLY recommend this program.) Anyway, this program consists of short, 4-6 week studies of certain historical eras/events using actual literature from that period, letters, documents, personal narratives, newspaper articles, poems, etc. It combines History and Literature, and yes, more writing, into one subject. Yes, we could have gotten this done in the 4-6 weeks it is supposed to take, but because of how in-depth we have gone, we have spent longer. Each chaper, or "cluster" as they call it, has several short pieces of literature, with vocabulary words, and comprehension and analysis questions. But there is also one MAIN question that is to answered throughout the entire cluster, and at the end, instead of a test, she writes a paper to answer the overall question. There are also tons of suggested further reading (and funny, with my fascination with the Holocaust, I already own much of it, LOL), and websites for further research. C and I have spent hours watching videos of actual liberation footage, interviews with many of the victims and authors, and extra rabbit-trails. In addition to the topics in the book, we have had to learn about atomic bombs and the after-effects of nuclear war, due to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Yesterday we were discussing other instances of genocide, and got on a roll gathering information about the UN. Which has an excellent website, for any of you interested. Who knew? LOL And of course, I happen to have numerous books on Rwanda and Darfur, too, you know, for anyone wanting to do further reading. Anyway, this program has been wonderful...everything I'd hoped for when I found it and more. We will finish up the Holocaust this week, and after a week or so break, we will be studying the Constitution. Not as fun, maybe, but I can't think of a better time in history to be studying and learning about the foundations our country was built on and supposed to be following.
Go figure...I just rambled so much about HISTORY that I am making this too long. That pretty much leaves science. This year, C is "unschooling" science. For those of you that aren't homeschoolers, this means she has no formal textbook, and follows her own interests. Considering we are a very sciencey family, and cover a variety of science topics in our day to day life, we aren't having a problem with this. As I've already posted, C took 6 enrichment classes over the summer at our local community college. 4 of them were science classes, and one was a babysitting/first aid class, which would constitute as a "Health" class. She is also helping E and I do Abeka's 5th grade science this year. (Which is my all time favorite science text ever, and I'm loving getting to do it again with a second child.) I'm amazed at how much C remembers of this book from when we did it 4 years ago. We are currently studying geology, which coincides perfectly with C's ongoing interest in rocks. I let both girls choose and order several items from Home Science Tools this year, and the first thing C chose was an entire kit about rocks.
Well, my original intention was to post a brief update on both girls' progress so far this year. I should have known I'd never keep it brief. Sorry, E, but I'll get to your school update at a later time. I WILL mention that E is FLYING through BJU Math 4 with, as always, straight A's. Her spelling, while no where close to perfect, has steadily been vastly imroving, too, and her cursive handwriting is gorgeous. She can't print worth a hoot, though, still looks like a first grader's printing. It's embarrassing, so we just stick to cursive. ; )
Hope all my readers are doing well, and hopefully next time I post I will be a GRANDMA....the baby is due in only 9 more days!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Just Another Reason I Love Homeschooling...
We have been busy all week. Sunday, E and I cleaned the house top to bottom while C volunteered at the animal shelter. She's going on Sundays now alone, because that's the day they have the least help, and they've decided C is mature and responsible enough to work there without me having to be there every single time. E and I still plan to go, but only every 2 or 3 weeks.
Monday, I decided not to do school because it was more imperative to buy jeans that actually fit C. I had new shirts for her birthday, but there is no way I can buy jeans without her trying them on. She had none at all. All of us hate shopping, unless it's for books, but we managed to get C 3 new pairs of jeans, 8 bras, and a pair of tennis shoes. E got one pair of jeans, a pair of sweatpants, a pair of shoes, and a much-needed haircut. I got a pair of tennis shoes, one bra, and some much-addicted-to Bath and Body Works shower gel, lotion, and body spray.
Tuesday was C's birthday. She asked for blueberry muffins for breakfast and then opened her presents. I have never liked having to make children wait for their gift-opening. It makes no sense to give them things at the end of the day when they will have no time to enjoy them. I then made her brownies (not ONE of my children have ever asked for cake.) Then we waited for Dustin to get off work, so he and April could join us in having a birthday dinner at Olive Garden, and then they came over here to the house to play games with C and E.
Wednesday I figured we'd had 2 days off school so we might as well continue taking it easy. Both girls did math, and C wrote her final draft on her persuasive essay and 2 pages in Easy Grammar. Then we took the dogs to the vet so Lucky could get her nails trimmed, and Shadow could get some ear medicine.
Thursday was the one nice day this week with nice weather. C had asked to go to our local state park for her birthday, but every day this week has been cold and rainy, except yesterday. We did our grocery shopping, came home, and the girls did school while I vaccuumed. Then I had to take April to her doctor's appointment....only 4 more weeks till the baby is due! As soon as her appointment was over the girls and I took off for the park, where we hiked a trail, played at the park, stopped and explored several areas, and hiked some more. The weather was GORGEOUS, and the trees are turning their beautiful fall colors. We couldn't have asked for a nicer day.
Today the cable company was supposed to come fix whatever was causing me to not have internet, but they called and asked me to check it an hour or so ago, and they got it fixed without having to come to the house. I have most of my chores done, and will soon be waking the girls up to start school and the rest of our chores. My husband has decided to cook supper for us tonight, so I'm off the hook there. We might actually get a full day of school in.
So what is the reason on my title that I love homeschooling? The reason is that I can't IMAGINE being able to get all this other stuff done if my daughters were gone all day and doing homework all evening! I love my girls, and I love spending time with them, and working one on one with them, knowing how they are doing and what they need to work on with every lesson, in every subject. I know when I need to sit and work with them, and when I can assign them something while I clean house or take a bath. I love knowing they are months ahead in their lessons and we can just take most of the week off to get things done that NEED to be done or are just for fun. We couldn't have gotten clothes that were needed, we couldn't have gotten the haircut, we couldn't have enjoyed C's birthday, it would have been rushed, and we couldn't have spent the whole afternoon and evening enjoying nature on the one day this week that the weather cooperated, and C couldn't be gaining valuable experience working at a no-kill shelter weekly. I simply don't know how we could do all that we do if my girls spent most of their waking hours not home, and spending their evenings doing homework.
This is our fifth year homeschooling, and I love it more and more, for SO many reasons. This week is just one example of many that it is what is best for our family.
Monday, I decided not to do school because it was more imperative to buy jeans that actually fit C. I had new shirts for her birthday, but there is no way I can buy jeans without her trying them on. She had none at all. All of us hate shopping, unless it's for books, but we managed to get C 3 new pairs of jeans, 8 bras, and a pair of tennis shoes. E got one pair of jeans, a pair of sweatpants, a pair of shoes, and a much-needed haircut. I got a pair of tennis shoes, one bra, and some much-addicted-to Bath and Body Works shower gel, lotion, and body spray.
Tuesday was C's birthday. She asked for blueberry muffins for breakfast and then opened her presents. I have never liked having to make children wait for their gift-opening. It makes no sense to give them things at the end of the day when they will have no time to enjoy them. I then made her brownies (not ONE of my children have ever asked for cake.) Then we waited for Dustin to get off work, so he and April could join us in having a birthday dinner at Olive Garden, and then they came over here to the house to play games with C and E.
Wednesday I figured we'd had 2 days off school so we might as well continue taking it easy. Both girls did math, and C wrote her final draft on her persuasive essay and 2 pages in Easy Grammar. Then we took the dogs to the vet so Lucky could get her nails trimmed, and Shadow could get some ear medicine.
Thursday was the one nice day this week with nice weather. C had asked to go to our local state park for her birthday, but every day this week has been cold and rainy, except yesterday. We did our grocery shopping, came home, and the girls did school while I vaccuumed. Then I had to take April to her doctor's appointment....only 4 more weeks till the baby is due! As soon as her appointment was over the girls and I took off for the park, where we hiked a trail, played at the park, stopped and explored several areas, and hiked some more. The weather was GORGEOUS, and the trees are turning their beautiful fall colors. We couldn't have asked for a nicer day.
Today the cable company was supposed to come fix whatever was causing me to not have internet, but they called and asked me to check it an hour or so ago, and they got it fixed without having to come to the house. I have most of my chores done, and will soon be waking the girls up to start school and the rest of our chores. My husband has decided to cook supper for us tonight, so I'm off the hook there. We might actually get a full day of school in.
So what is the reason on my title that I love homeschooling? The reason is that I can't IMAGINE being able to get all this other stuff done if my daughters were gone all day and doing homework all evening! I love my girls, and I love spending time with them, and working one on one with them, knowing how they are doing and what they need to work on with every lesson, in every subject. I know when I need to sit and work with them, and when I can assign them something while I clean house or take a bath. I love knowing they are months ahead in their lessons and we can just take most of the week off to get things done that NEED to be done or are just for fun. We couldn't have gotten clothes that were needed, we couldn't have gotten the haircut, we couldn't have enjoyed C's birthday, it would have been rushed, and we couldn't have spent the whole afternoon and evening enjoying nature on the one day this week that the weather cooperated, and C couldn't be gaining valuable experience working at a no-kill shelter weekly. I simply don't know how we could do all that we do if my girls spent most of their waking hours not home, and spending their evenings doing homework.
This is our fifth year homeschooling, and I love it more and more, for SO many reasons. This week is just one example of many that it is what is best for our family.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Happy 14th Birthday, C
From the moment C was born, I realized what true love was....the love that never fades, only grows. The love that I would do anything to save this girl from pain, I would die for her or her little sister without thinking. This oldest daughter of mine has been a blessing for 14 years. She is a joy to be with, to talk to. She has become a beautiful young woman, both inside and out. She works hard helping not only me, but everyone on the street. She gives of her time and her energy to do for others, from the littlest neighbor child, to the elderly, to every animal she sees. I enjoy every minute with her, whether we are just talking, or playing games, or working, or doing school.
C, until you have your own child you will never have a clue how deeply I love you. You are a joy and a blessing in my life. I hope you can have a wonderful birthday today.
C, until you have your own child you will never have a clue how deeply I love you. You are a joy and a blessing in my life. I hope you can have a wonderful birthday today.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Baby Shower
Yesterday was April's baby shower. It was very long, and she was exhausted by the end. Here are April and Dustin....the baby is due in 6 weeks:
There were lots of typical baby-shower games, and out of all the people there, BOTH C and E won prizes. E won a baby bottle filled with jelly beans that we had to see who could guess the amount of jelly beans in the bottle. C won "The Price is Right" baby shower edition....guess the cost of several different baby toys. C won a gift bag, but she had to go up front to get it. Well, C can not STAND her picture taken, and was pretty mad she couldn't figure a way out of getting the prize without her picture being taken. Since the expression on her face is absolutely PRICELESS, I figured I would make her even happier by posting this photo here on my blog ; )
E, however, has no such qualms, and loves to be front and center in everything. Here she sits right with her sister and brother in law as they open just one out of about 6,000 new baby boy outfits they recieved yesterday:
All in all it was a long, tiring day. I think the highlight was when C said to me sometime during the 3rd hour, "Mom, if I ever get pregnant, which I hope I DON'T, please do not EVER throw me a baby shower" LOL!!
There were lots of typical baby-shower games, and out of all the people there, BOTH C and E won prizes. E won a baby bottle filled with jelly beans that we had to see who could guess the amount of jelly beans in the bottle. C won "The Price is Right" baby shower edition....guess the cost of several different baby toys. C won a gift bag, but she had to go up front to get it. Well, C can not STAND her picture taken, and was pretty mad she couldn't figure a way out of getting the prize without her picture being taken. Since the expression on her face is absolutely PRICELESS, I figured I would make her even happier by posting this photo here on my blog ; )
E, however, has no such qualms, and loves to be front and center in everything. Here she sits right with her sister and brother in law as they open just one out of about 6,000 new baby boy outfits they recieved yesterday:
All in all it was a long, tiring day. I think the highlight was when C said to me sometime during the 3rd hour, "Mom, if I ever get pregnant, which I hope I DON'T, please do not EVER throw me a baby shower" LOL!!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Belated Vacation Pictures
As promised, here are more details and pictures from our vacation. I took the girls to my old house, where I spent much of my life, up on beautiful Lake Michigan.
And here is the smaller cabin on our old property. Although the big house is beautiful, I love the coziness of the cabin, and have fond memories of working my butt off with my parents to clean it up, and get it in livable shape.
View from my old front yard...
We also spent lots of time every day at the beach...
I have always loved lighthouses, and there happen to be two different ones within a couple of miles of each other that the girls and I went to. E and I climbed all the way to the top of this one:
See? She and I got stickers PROVING we climbed it, LOL.
Where is C, you might ask? Much to my shock, C has apparently inherited my fear of heights, and made it up one flight of stairs, before queasily going back down to wait at the bottom for us. E was my motivation; I, too, am terrified of heights, but she is not, and almost RAN to the top, and because I had visions of her falling off, I had to go, too.
We also walked a 2 mile hike to this very remote lighthouse. (and 2 miles back, through the sand dunes. )
It is so tall, I couldn't show both the light-keepers home AND the tower in one photo. It is also so tall that no matter how hard I tried, with E urging me patiently on each step of the way, (literally), I only made it 110 steps before giving up. E was SO mad at me because she was almost to the top, could SEE the porthole leading to the light and the outside walkway, but I just couldn't do it. C? At the bottom again.
I would like to point out...if you look at the above picture....you see that little tiny window, WAY up high, just below the walkway? Yeah. I was THAT CLOSE.
Every eveing, after swimming and playing in the dunes, we finished up beach time by feeding the seagulls. I always loved doing that as a child, and C and E now also love it. In 6 days we went through 18 loaves of bread, plus any scraps of leftovers we had.
And the VERY last thing we did around 10:00 every night, was walk or drive a block down to the infamous local ice cream parlour to have sundaes. Every. Single. Night. C was on a mission to ty as many flavors as possible, and E just loves ice cream. (No pictures of this)
I have always loved this area, and the great Lakes, in general. After my mom died when C was only 2 months old, we had to sell my mom's house, and I haven't been back till now. I saw some old friends, had some extreme emotions, from sadness at missing my mom, to blissful happiness most of the time just enjoying the beautiful scenery, swimming and hiking, and overall I can't imagine a better vacation. All 3 of us truly loved our trip, and hope to go back as soon as we can!
And here is the smaller cabin on our old property. Although the big house is beautiful, I love the coziness of the cabin, and have fond memories of working my butt off with my parents to clean it up, and get it in livable shape.
View from my old front yard...
We also spent lots of time every day at the beach...
I have always loved lighthouses, and there happen to be two different ones within a couple of miles of each other that the girls and I went to. E and I climbed all the way to the top of this one:
See? She and I got stickers PROVING we climbed it, LOL.
Where is C, you might ask? Much to my shock, C has apparently inherited my fear of heights, and made it up one flight of stairs, before queasily going back down to wait at the bottom for us. E was my motivation; I, too, am terrified of heights, but she is not, and almost RAN to the top, and because I had visions of her falling off, I had to go, too.
We also walked a 2 mile hike to this very remote lighthouse. (and 2 miles back, through the sand dunes. )
It is so tall, I couldn't show both the light-keepers home AND the tower in one photo. It is also so tall that no matter how hard I tried, with E urging me patiently on each step of the way, (literally), I only made it 110 steps before giving up. E was SO mad at me because she was almost to the top, could SEE the porthole leading to the light and the outside walkway, but I just couldn't do it. C? At the bottom again.
I would like to point out...if you look at the above picture....you see that little tiny window, WAY up high, just below the walkway? Yeah. I was THAT CLOSE.
Every eveing, after swimming and playing in the dunes, we finished up beach time by feeding the seagulls. I always loved doing that as a child, and C and E now also love it. In 6 days we went through 18 loaves of bread, plus any scraps of leftovers we had.
And the VERY last thing we did around 10:00 every night, was walk or drive a block down to the infamous local ice cream parlour to have sundaes. Every. Single. Night. C was on a mission to ty as many flavors as possible, and E just loves ice cream. (No pictures of this)
I have always loved this area, and the great Lakes, in general. After my mom died when C was only 2 months old, we had to sell my mom's house, and I haven't been back till now. I saw some old friends, had some extreme emotions, from sadness at missing my mom, to blissful happiness most of the time just enjoying the beautiful scenery, swimming and hiking, and overall I can't imagine a better vacation. All 3 of us truly loved our trip, and hope to go back as soon as we can!
Monday, August 20, 2012
We Just Got Back From...
....the girls' first ever VACATION. We had the most wonderful time. We spent most of our time here:
And when I have time I will tell more about it....oh, and as you can see, I bought a new computer, and now have the capability to once again post pictures. : )
And when I have time I will tell more about it....oh, and as you can see, I bought a new computer, and now have the capability to once again post pictures. : )
Sunday, August 5, 2012
I never thought I'd write a post about rain, but it has been over 2 MONTHS since we've had a drop! Not one drop! I've only mowed ONCE in 12 weeks, and I only mowed then (June 24th) to get the weeds cut down.There was no grass by then, whereas I normally mow every 5-6 days. But even the weeds have long since died off.
But I awoke to the blessed sound of thunder at 3 this morning, and jumped out of bed to open the curtains and watch a thunderstorm and pouring rain for about 40 minutes. It's, of course, nowhere near as much as we need. Even the lakes are drying up around here, and our trees are dying, and it's way too late for the crops, but it WAS rain, and more than just a sprinkle. Thank you, God.
But I awoke to the blessed sound of thunder at 3 this morning, and jumped out of bed to open the curtains and watch a thunderstorm and pouring rain for about 40 minutes. It's, of course, nowhere near as much as we need. Even the lakes are drying up around here, and our trees are dying, and it's way too late for the crops, but it WAS rain, and more than just a sprinkle. Thank you, God.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
What Have We Been Doing for School Lately?
Well, I know last post I said I wouldn't be writing again until I'd accomplished some of my to-do's for the month, but what else am I to do when I've been up almost 2 hours, and yet it's still hours too early to do anything else but write? Besides, I DID accomplsih SOME of my to-dos. I hooked my computer up. I just have to call the cable company and ACTIVATE my service. And I have spent more time researching new vehicles, and actually went out to car lots LOOKING at my top choices in person one evening, after the salepeople were safely gone. And the girls and I have our vacation all planned. I just have to call and make reservations and book the pets for boarding.
The girls have been doing 2 math lessons a week (for the past 2 weeks). E has been slowly working on math all summer, and just finished chapter 4 of her 4th grade book. She got an A+ on her test. E has also been doing flash cards with me, multiplication and division, working on improving her speed. C finished lesson 48 (out of 120) in her pre-algebra, and got an A on her test, only missing 1 problem.
Both girls have also been on an Art kick this week. E started it, by drawing, then coloring, a really cool picture of a thunderstorm. I was suitably impressed, so E then made snow-covered mountains on gray construction paper. When C saw me hang both E's picture's up, and heard me complimenting her on coming up with much more interesting pictures than the typical "rainbow, sun, and grass" artwork, she decided to get out her chalk kit, and made another picture to hang (in the living room, of course) of a beach. It turned out very well, also. Then she made a series of storm pictures, before, during, and clouds clearing up, that were very original too, but too many pages to hang up.
What's that got to do with school plans? Well, nothing. Other than both girls showed imagination, creativity, and initiative to use varying techniques and mediums to advance their knowledge and experience. And I didn't have to teach them anything; they figured it out themselves. And there is tangible evidence on my walls of art being done in our homeschool.
E has also been practicing piano again. She gave it a rest for a few months...but then, so have I. I play only very intermittently, and I've noticed when I don't play, she slows way down. When I play, she goes back to playing several times a day.
E has also been "working" on improving her chances for a career as a future rock star. She and her best friend have decided they will be rock stars together. So she is constantly singing along to her CDs in her room. And full blast on our front porch. (The neighbors must love us.) And...best of all....with her headphones on in the car, where only SHE can hear the music, and WE just hear her singing.
We've also all been watching the Olympics. I've paid attention to more TV in the past 3 days, than I do in a year, usually. I detest TV, although my husband has the stupid thing on 24 hours a day. (Seriously, 24 hours...we go to bed, and he LEAVES it on. For the DOG!) However, since we couldn't afford going to London, and the Olympics are only once every 4 years, we've all been watching TV. And paying attention, too. I've always loved watching the gymnastics and swimming stuff, and the girls are broadening their horizons. If I'm lucky, they even learn a little about the history of Great Britain with the little snippets of UK history the producers throw in between competitions.
We've been doing science, too. We have been avidly stupdying the drought, and it's effects and future
effects. We've seen a DRASTIC change in one of our favorite places to go...our local wetlans wildlife refuge has become COMPLETELY dry. NO water at ALL, which we have NEVER seen there, and how that affects the food chain. We've been paying particular attention to the corn, and discussing the effect THAT will have on virtually everything we produce, and the world-wide ramifications. We stole 2 ears of corn from 2 different fields. We almost couldn't find a second field with ears on the stalks, and I actually felt really guilty taking 2 ears, with the upcoming shortage. But, it's science, and my 13 year old was jealous that SHE didn't get her OWN ear of corn.
We also discovered a bone out by the river-that-isn't-much-of-a-river-anymore. The bone is a tibia of a deer, although I almost had the girls convinced it was human, and we could be part of a forensic investigation. Even after I proved it was a deer tibia, not human, C insisted it was human, and we could help solve a murder. The bone was fairly fresh, probably between a week and 2 weeks from the death of the deer, as it still had lots of soft tissue on it. I'd like to thank my husband, M, for letting us soak it for 2 days in his kitchen sink till I got around to scrubbing all the stinky stuff off. Now we just have to figure out how to get the bone open so we can see the marrow. Most bones we find are way too old to still see the tissues. (Yes, C has a huge collection of bird bones, squirrel bones, and almost an entire skeleton of a cat she semi-exhumed.) Small bones, especially hollow bird bones, are easy to break open. This bone is HEAVY and THICK, and I don't have access to a bone saw. Or any saw. So I think we will try to crack it with a hammer.
So...the only OFFICIAL school we've been doing is math. But we've all been learning and studying many new things. With all the classes the girls took, we've actually gotten quite a lot done this summer school-wise, considering we've barely looked at any textbooks. Which I'm not going to be using much of for the upcoming year anyway. Which, if I ever get around to posting the typical homeschool mom blog post on curriculum plans I will tell you all about.
The girls have been doing 2 math lessons a week (for the past 2 weeks). E has been slowly working on math all summer, and just finished chapter 4 of her 4th grade book. She got an A+ on her test. E has also been doing flash cards with me, multiplication and division, working on improving her speed. C finished lesson 48 (out of 120) in her pre-algebra, and got an A on her test, only missing 1 problem.
Both girls have also been on an Art kick this week. E started it, by drawing, then coloring, a really cool picture of a thunderstorm. I was suitably impressed, so E then made snow-covered mountains on gray construction paper. When C saw me hang both E's picture's up, and heard me complimenting her on coming up with much more interesting pictures than the typical "rainbow, sun, and grass" artwork, she decided to get out her chalk kit, and made another picture to hang (in the living room, of course) of a beach. It turned out very well, also. Then she made a series of storm pictures, before, during, and clouds clearing up, that were very original too, but too many pages to hang up.
What's that got to do with school plans? Well, nothing. Other than both girls showed imagination, creativity, and initiative to use varying techniques and mediums to advance their knowledge and experience. And I didn't have to teach them anything; they figured it out themselves. And there is tangible evidence on my walls of art being done in our homeschool.
E has also been practicing piano again. She gave it a rest for a few months...but then, so have I. I play only very intermittently, and I've noticed when I don't play, she slows way down. When I play, she goes back to playing several times a day.
E has also been "working" on improving her chances for a career as a future rock star. She and her best friend have decided they will be rock stars together. So she is constantly singing along to her CDs in her room. And full blast on our front porch. (The neighbors must love us.) And...best of all....with her headphones on in the car, where only SHE can hear the music, and WE just hear her singing.
We've also all been watching the Olympics. I've paid attention to more TV in the past 3 days, than I do in a year, usually. I detest TV, although my husband has the stupid thing on 24 hours a day. (Seriously, 24 hours...we go to bed, and he LEAVES it on. For the DOG!) However, since we couldn't afford going to London, and the Olympics are only once every 4 years, we've all been watching TV. And paying attention, too. I've always loved watching the gymnastics and swimming stuff, and the girls are broadening their horizons. If I'm lucky, they even learn a little about the history of Great Britain with the little snippets of UK history the producers throw in between competitions.
We've been doing science, too. We have been avidly stupdying the drought, and it's effects and future
effects. We've seen a DRASTIC change in one of our favorite places to go...our local wetlans wildlife refuge has become COMPLETELY dry. NO water at ALL, which we have NEVER seen there, and how that affects the food chain. We've been paying particular attention to the corn, and discussing the effect THAT will have on virtually everything we produce, and the world-wide ramifications. We stole 2 ears of corn from 2 different fields. We almost couldn't find a second field with ears on the stalks, and I actually felt really guilty taking 2 ears, with the upcoming shortage. But, it's science, and my 13 year old was jealous that SHE didn't get her OWN ear of corn.
We also discovered a bone out by the river-that-isn't-much-of-a-river-anymore. The bone is a tibia of a deer, although I almost had the girls convinced it was human, and we could be part of a forensic investigation. Even after I proved it was a deer tibia, not human, C insisted it was human, and we could help solve a murder. The bone was fairly fresh, probably between a week and 2 weeks from the death of the deer, as it still had lots of soft tissue on it. I'd like to thank my husband, M, for letting us soak it for 2 days in his kitchen sink till I got around to scrubbing all the stinky stuff off. Now we just have to figure out how to get the bone open so we can see the marrow. Most bones we find are way too old to still see the tissues. (Yes, C has a huge collection of bird bones, squirrel bones, and almost an entire skeleton of a cat she semi-exhumed.) Small bones, especially hollow bird bones, are easy to break open. This bone is HEAVY and THICK, and I don't have access to a bone saw. Or any saw. So I think we will try to crack it with a hammer.
So...the only OFFICIAL school we've been doing is math. But we've all been learning and studying many new things. With all the classes the girls took, we've actually gotten quite a lot done this summer school-wise, considering we've barely looked at any textbooks. Which I'm not going to be using much of for the upcoming year anyway. Which, if I ever get around to posting the typical homeschool mom blog post on curriculum plans I will tell you all about.
Monday, July 23, 2012
This is Summer "Break" ???
Another year of softball is finished for C and E. This was C's 7th year playing, and her team finished up in 2nd place. She pretty much played shortstop this year, alternating to 3rd base and left field.
E's team finished in 1st place. E also alternated between shortstop and 3rd base. This was her final year playing in "C" league; next year she moves up.
While the girls love playing, and I love seeing them play, I am glad another season is over. So many unexpected things to do have come up this summer, that I just am not finding enough time in the day to get everything done. Not having to have early baths and supper to spend the evenings at the ball field will free up some much needed time.
Both girls also completed 2 sessions of their college enrichment classes for children:
*C took and earned a certificate in Babysitting and Child Safety.
*C took 2 science classes, one of which she greatly enjoyed, and the other she found very boring, telling me every day, "I already knew all that. We've already done that at home for school."
*C took a Spanish class, which was very fun and unformative.
*E took 2 art classes, and brought home DOZENS of examples of techniques and artwork.
*E took a dance/tumbling class, and performed a choreographed routine with her class. She did so well, and impressed me so much, that I hope to enroll her in some sort of dance or gymnastics class through the school year.
*E took an "Outdoor Games" class, which was mainly for fun and to burn off energy.
*BOTH girls took a Self-Defense class. It was NOT either one's first choice, but it ended up being their favorite class of them all. They learned a TON of information and skills to defend themselves, but the main focus of the class was an introduction to Tae Kwan Do (sp). They enjoyed telling us all they learned and demonstrating their new moves. They are now entitled to 2 weeks free classes at their teacher's martial arts school, which we will take advantage of soon. Seeing how much they learned, and how well they remembered and performed, and hearing them excitedly tell us everything their teacher taught them was amazing. This went from a last choice class to both of their favorites.
All in all they had a lot of fun, and learned a ton this summer. We've been so busy, not only with the classes and softball, but with the MANY extra things that keep popping up (extra doctor's appointments for both a father in law and April, extra pet care and volunteer work due to a negligent neighbor, a death in the family, and ongoing legal issues with the girls dad, who needs prayers, btw)...we just have NOT gotten much school done, nor have I accomplished ANYTHING I'd planned to get done during our summer "break".
I DO have all, but our science materials ordered and at the house....most of them still sitting in boxes in my living room, barely glanced at. I DID buy a computer....I just haven't had time to get it hooked up to internet yet. I HAVE kept up with yard work....but as the drought has made it so I've only had to mow ONCE in two months, that entails only weeding, watering, and keeping bushes trimmed. How do the weeds and bushes keep growing when the grass and trees are dying?? I HAVE kept up with housework....once a week maybe. We HAVE done SOME school.....2 math lessons for C, I believe, and 5 or 6 for E.
So...this next month or so is reserved for catching up and completing tasks I've had planned for all summer. Dentist visits, sorting books and getting organized, setting up and actually GOING to get my estimated taxes done (UGH!!!!), getting my computer actually hooked up, trading in my old vehicle, and buying a new one, taking ALL pets to the vet for shots and grooming, and also boarding while the girls and I take our first-ever VACATION! I've been longing to take them to my childhood summer home on the Great Lakes, and I intend to DO it sometime in mid to late August. I have not been on a vacation since C was a toddler....10 or more years ago! I grew up traveling all over, and I feel my daughters' education is sorely lacking not being able to see new places and experience all that our country has to offer. I have tons of places to go on my "travel wish-list", but taking them to where I had so many years of enjoyment and learning experiences is tops on the list.I may have done very well in school, but I attribute everything I know to 2 things... TRAVEL and READING voracious amounts of books.
Obviously, our busy summer is not over yet, and I don't intend to write much on here. Hopefully, next time I write, I will have gotten much more done. I'm completely overwhelmed with stress, but we are slowly, but surely making progress.
Oh...and for anyone who cares....3 1/2 months till I'm a grandma : )
Excuse me in advance for any typos. I'm not going back and proofreading. I don't have time1 LOL
E's team finished in 1st place. E also alternated between shortstop and 3rd base. This was her final year playing in "C" league; next year she moves up.
While the girls love playing, and I love seeing them play, I am glad another season is over. So many unexpected things to do have come up this summer, that I just am not finding enough time in the day to get everything done. Not having to have early baths and supper to spend the evenings at the ball field will free up some much needed time.
Both girls also completed 2 sessions of their college enrichment classes for children:
*C took and earned a certificate in Babysitting and Child Safety.
*C took 2 science classes, one of which she greatly enjoyed, and the other she found very boring, telling me every day, "I already knew all that. We've already done that at home for school."
*C took a Spanish class, which was very fun and unformative.
*E took 2 art classes, and brought home DOZENS of examples of techniques and artwork.
*E took a dance/tumbling class, and performed a choreographed routine with her class. She did so well, and impressed me so much, that I hope to enroll her in some sort of dance or gymnastics class through the school year.
*E took an "Outdoor Games" class, which was mainly for fun and to burn off energy.
*BOTH girls took a Self-Defense class. It was NOT either one's first choice, but it ended up being their favorite class of them all. They learned a TON of information and skills to defend themselves, but the main focus of the class was an introduction to Tae Kwan Do (sp). They enjoyed telling us all they learned and demonstrating their new moves. They are now entitled to 2 weeks free classes at their teacher's martial arts school, which we will take advantage of soon. Seeing how much they learned, and how well they remembered and performed, and hearing them excitedly tell us everything their teacher taught them was amazing. This went from a last choice class to both of their favorites.
All in all they had a lot of fun, and learned a ton this summer. We've been so busy, not only with the classes and softball, but with the MANY extra things that keep popping up (extra doctor's appointments for both a father in law and April, extra pet care and volunteer work due to a negligent neighbor, a death in the family, and ongoing legal issues with the girls dad, who needs prayers, btw)...we just have NOT gotten much school done, nor have I accomplished ANYTHING I'd planned to get done during our summer "break".
I DO have all, but our science materials ordered and at the house....most of them still sitting in boxes in my living room, barely glanced at. I DID buy a computer....I just haven't had time to get it hooked up to internet yet. I HAVE kept up with yard work....but as the drought has made it so I've only had to mow ONCE in two months, that entails only weeding, watering, and keeping bushes trimmed. How do the weeds and bushes keep growing when the grass and trees are dying?? I HAVE kept up with housework....once a week maybe. We HAVE done SOME school.....2 math lessons for C, I believe, and 5 or 6 for E.
So...this next month or so is reserved for catching up and completing tasks I've had planned for all summer. Dentist visits, sorting books and getting organized, setting up and actually GOING to get my estimated taxes done (UGH!!!!), getting my computer actually hooked up, trading in my old vehicle, and buying a new one, taking ALL pets to the vet for shots and grooming, and also boarding while the girls and I take our first-ever VACATION! I've been longing to take them to my childhood summer home on the Great Lakes, and I intend to DO it sometime in mid to late August. I have not been on a vacation since C was a toddler....10 or more years ago! I grew up traveling all over, and I feel my daughters' education is sorely lacking not being able to see new places and experience all that our country has to offer. I have tons of places to go on my "travel wish-list", but taking them to where I had so many years of enjoyment and learning experiences is tops on the list.I may have done very well in school, but I attribute everything I know to 2 things... TRAVEL and READING voracious amounts of books.
Obviously, our busy summer is not over yet, and I don't intend to write much on here. Hopefully, next time I write, I will have gotten much more done. I'm completely overwhelmed with stress, but we are slowly, but surely making progress.
Oh...and for anyone who cares....3 1/2 months till I'm a grandma : )
Excuse me in advance for any typos. I'm not going back and proofreading. I don't have time1 LOL
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
The Girls are off to College this Week...and a Prayer request for April
The local community college has a program every year for children in 3rd through 8th grades to take enrichment classes. This will be C's last year participating, and it is E's first. It runs from 8:30 in the morning until 3:00, with lunch provided. Each girl is taking 3 classes.
C is taking Spanish, which is surprisingly advanced. She is also taking Babysitting/CPR, and wants it to be known she is only taking it because I am making her. LOL Her afternoon class is a science class. She has homework assigned...last night she was to write a resume about herself for the babysitting class, and to study her spanish vocabulary words, which we all made a game out of, and ended up "studying" until 10:30.
E is taking 2 different art classes, and a dance/tumbling class, all of which she loves. E loves them so much she wants to sign up for the session in July, and take 3 MORE classes.
As the girls are in softball this time of year, too, it makes for a very tight schedule this week...get them up at 7:30, do chores, leave at 8:15, pick them up at 3, run home, do all our pet care, have supper, get 2 baths done, (this is where it comes in handy that my husband and I have 2 seperate houses....one girl bathes at our house, one at step-dad's, lol) and get to the ball field by 5:30 for warm-ups and games till either 8 or 10, depending on the night.
Yesterday was REALLY tight, because April had a surprise doctor's appointment I had to take her to at 2. She is having what we hope are minor heart issues. She spent 5 hours in the emergency room last Thursday, and if she is still having them next week when she goes for her regular pre-natal appointment, she will be sent to a cardiologist. They have already had her hooked up to a heart monitor for 3 hours, done extensive bloodwork, (and more yesterday), given her IVs, ran an EKG, and done an ultrasound. There are a few dangerous heart conditions that normally are asymptomatic until pregnancy, but then again, there are several possible causes that are completely harmless. We're just not sure which she has yet. So, while I am trying to not scare April, and am focusing her on the "It's-probably-nothing-but let's-find-out-because-of-the-baby" aspect to her, I would appreciate prayers for this dear daughter and her unborn child.
C is taking Spanish, which is surprisingly advanced. She is also taking Babysitting/CPR, and wants it to be known she is only taking it because I am making her. LOL Her afternoon class is a science class. She has homework assigned...last night she was to write a resume about herself for the babysitting class, and to study her spanish vocabulary words, which we all made a game out of, and ended up "studying" until 10:30.
E is taking 2 different art classes, and a dance/tumbling class, all of which she loves. E loves them so much she wants to sign up for the session in July, and take 3 MORE classes.
As the girls are in softball this time of year, too, it makes for a very tight schedule this week...get them up at 7:30, do chores, leave at 8:15, pick them up at 3, run home, do all our pet care, have supper, get 2 baths done, (this is where it comes in handy that my husband and I have 2 seperate houses....one girl bathes at our house, one at step-dad's, lol) and get to the ball field by 5:30 for warm-ups and games till either 8 or 10, depending on the night.
Yesterday was REALLY tight, because April had a surprise doctor's appointment I had to take her to at 2. She is having what we hope are minor heart issues. She spent 5 hours in the emergency room last Thursday, and if she is still having them next week when she goes for her regular pre-natal appointment, she will be sent to a cardiologist. They have already had her hooked up to a heart monitor for 3 hours, done extensive bloodwork, (and more yesterday), given her IVs, ran an EKG, and done an ultrasound. There are a few dangerous heart conditions that normally are asymptomatic until pregnancy, but then again, there are several possible causes that are completely harmless. We're just not sure which she has yet. So, while I am trying to not scare April, and am focusing her on the "It's-probably-nothing-but let's-find-out-because-of-the-baby" aspect to her, I would appreciate prayers for this dear daughter and her unborn child.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Maternity Clothes
April is now over 4 months along. She has always been a petite girl. She has only gained 2 pounds, although it looks like far more because she has the cutest little baby bump. I think she shows more because she is so small. However, the past couple of weeks she has just been in misery because she only has jeans to wear, and they haven't buttoned for quite some time. The zipper has been cutting into her middle, yet when she stands up to walk, her pants will slide down if not buttoned. Last week we decided enough was enough.
When *I* was expecting, I owned exactly 1 dress, 2 pairs of slacks, 2 pairs of shorts, and 3 shirts. They lasted me for both my pregnancies, and are actually still hanging in my closet in hopes that I would someday have a need to wear them again. However, being 6 inches taller, and much "fuller figured" than April, there's no way they would be of use to HER.
So yesterday the girls and I had lunch at Applebee's, and then bought proper maternity clothing. (and she STILL wears sizes "small" and "extra small".) She now has enough to last her, and I must say the clothes NOW are much cuter than they were 14 years ago.
When *I* was expecting, I owned exactly 1 dress, 2 pairs of slacks, 2 pairs of shorts, and 3 shirts. They lasted me for both my pregnancies, and are actually still hanging in my closet in hopes that I would someday have a need to wear them again. However, being 6 inches taller, and much "fuller figured" than April, there's no way they would be of use to HER.
So yesterday the girls and I had lunch at Applebee's, and then bought proper maternity clothing. (and she STILL wears sizes "small" and "extra small".) She now has enough to last her, and I must say the clothes NOW are much cuter than they were 14 years ago.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Happy First Anniversary
I may not mention my husband much, but that is because he is a very private person, and does not wish me to write about him online. However, today is a special occasion, and I at least would like to publicly tell him, "Happy Anniversary" !
I love you so much. Congratulations on putting up with me an entire year. I look forward to many more years together.
I love you so much. Congratulations on putting up with me an entire year. I look forward to many more years together.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Ups and Downs
Well, instead of going to Indianapolis today for my father-in-law's surgery, I am writing on here. Meaning we don't have to go. Meaning he is doing phenomonally well, and has no need for the surgery after all. Meaning her no longer has need of daily home health care, which frees up an hour or more of my days.
However, my husband has been quite sick the past week and a half, and I've been worried about him. He is doing better, though, and all should be well.
C is LOVING her new softball team. The coaches are SUCH an improvement over her previous year, and she now has FUN again. She will be playing shortstop, and filling in as pitcher, as her wrist permits.
But E's coach...ugh. This one takes second place for worst coaches my girls have ever had. E will be pitching, though, which is great. E is taking this week off practice, due to a nasty bike wreck, which left her with no skin at all on a 2 inch section of her knee.
We haven't done a lick of school in over a month. For the first time ever. And I have to admit it's kind of nice.
April, C, and E bought me the Wii Fit Plus for Mother's Day, which I've been wanting for several years, but never thought to actually buy for myself. I am REALLY liking it, and haven't skipped a single day yet. The girls also enjoy it. Who says video games are unhealthy? Just depends on which games. C also actually wrote me an ESSAY, instead of a card for Mother's Day, about a mother dog we used to have. I was shocked, as this was her SECOND piece of writing she has done on her own, without it being assigned by me. And E wrote me the sweetest card. : )
April had her 21st birthday. Due to her pregnancy, we obviously didn't spend it in the typical 21st birthday style of going out to a bar...instead she requested board games and a badmitton set, and we played badmitton and board games all day. And ate....I would like to put in writing that this young woman ate my WHOLE BOX of Rice Krispie treats in under 5 minutes, yet she hasn't gained a pound yet. She is in her 4th month, and is showing, but weighs just the same as always. LOL And she never got morning sickness at ALL.
I'm probably forgetting lots here, but these are the highlights. Thank you, reader, for the tip on getting this to post in paragraphs...let's see if it works.
However, my husband has been quite sick the past week and a half, and I've been worried about him. He is doing better, though, and all should be well.
C is LOVING her new softball team. The coaches are SUCH an improvement over her previous year, and she now has FUN again. She will be playing shortstop, and filling in as pitcher, as her wrist permits.
But E's coach...ugh. This one takes second place for worst coaches my girls have ever had. E will be pitching, though, which is great. E is taking this week off practice, due to a nasty bike wreck, which left her with no skin at all on a 2 inch section of her knee.
We haven't done a lick of school in over a month. For the first time ever. And I have to admit it's kind of nice.
April, C, and E bought me the Wii Fit Plus for Mother's Day, which I've been wanting for several years, but never thought to actually buy for myself. I am REALLY liking it, and haven't skipped a single day yet. The girls also enjoy it. Who says video games are unhealthy? Just depends on which games. C also actually wrote me an ESSAY, instead of a card for Mother's Day, about a mother dog we used to have. I was shocked, as this was her SECOND piece of writing she has done on her own, without it being assigned by me. And E wrote me the sweetest card. : )
April had her 21st birthday. Due to her pregnancy, we obviously didn't spend it in the typical 21st birthday style of going out to a bar...instead she requested board games and a badmitton set, and we played badmitton and board games all day. And ate....I would like to put in writing that this young woman ate my WHOLE BOX of Rice Krispie treats in under 5 minutes, yet she hasn't gained a pound yet. She is in her 4th month, and is showing, but weighs just the same as always. LOL And she never got morning sickness at ALL.
I'm probably forgetting lots here, but these are the highlights. Thank you, reader, for the tip on getting this to post in paragraphs...let's see if it works.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Well, it APPEARS I can no longer make paragraphs : (
I had that last post nicely organized into easy-to-read paragraphs, but apparently Blogger wants it to publish in one big, hard-to-read BLOB. Sorry about that...
How are we so busy when we've FINISHED the School Year??
Well, let's see. In the past 4 weeks since I've posted C and E have both completed their school year. One would, naturally, assume that freed up a lot of time for all of us. I suppose it DID....but there have been so many other things going on that I'm more busy than ever, and I'm just thankful that schoolwork was completed just in time for me to be able to get to all the other stuff.
My father in law has been hospitalized and had one surgery, and he is looking at another surgery in 3 weeks. In the interim, he is needing a little home health help, and since I live only 6 houses away from him, and have nursing experience, I've been going down there an hour or so each morning.
The girls may be officially "done" with their school year, but we are never DONE. I intend to work a day or two each week with E through out the summer. I also signed the girls up for "College for Kids" at our local community college. They will each be taking 3 classes, which I will hopefully write about in a seperate post.
Softball season has also begun. C has practices every M,W, and F evening, and E has practice every T and Th. In other words...every single weekday evening we have to rush around figuring out supper and bath schedules.
It's also that time again...time for mowing and yardwork. I DID buy a new little push mower, and it makes a wonderful difference. I finish in half the time it took me the past 2 years, AND I have emphatically decided that my knees and legs (and time constraints) can simply not handle mowing and keeping up with TWO yards, and my son-in-law has taken over doing my husband's yard. Praise the Lord, because it was REALLY hard on me physically.
April had 2 more doctor's appointments. She and the baby are both doing well. She has not had ANY morning sickness; her only complaint had been being extremely tired and sleeping all the time. She is getting past that phase now, and beginning to "show" a little.
The girls and I (mainly the girls) have also been helping an elderly neighbor with her two cats that BOTH just had kittens. We've provided all the litter, food, and supplies, plus the girls clean the litter boxes, feed and water the cats, and sweep for this woman. We have taken one of the cats and her kittens in to the animal shelter we work at, and will soon be taking the second mother and litter in. We will be getting the mother cats spayed as soon as the kittens are all weaned.
Between elderly neighbors, elderly father in laws, pregnant daughter and pregnant, nursing cats, plus the yardwork and hectic softball schedule, not to mention my normal chores and pet care at my own house, I have barely seen my poor husband. Some days, I have literally not seen him at ALL.
Tomorrow we are leaving at 7 a.m. to go to the Indianapolis Zoo, and won't be home until probably around 8 p.m. April requested that for her 21st birthday present. I pray the weather isn't too awfully hot, and that my poor aching legs hold out, and that we can all just have a fun, safe day.
That's life in a nutshell....
Saturday, April 7, 2012
So we went shopping yesterday...
I detest clothes shopping. So do my daughters. I went with the intention of buying clothes for C, age 13, who is in desperate need of clothes that fit and are modest, as both she and I hate the current teen fashions. I had visions of buying her several new outfits. We managed to find TWO outfits. Of course, I found 3 cute, little, sun-dresses for E, age 9, who, as the youngest girl in a family of 4 girls did not NEED any clothes, and was not the daughter I needed to buy anything for. But after 4 stores, poor C only ended up with 2 outfits. Go figure. So...we will have to go BACK out and shop some more....oh, joy.
We made the day bearable, though, by having lunch at Olive Garden, spending $150 at Barne's and Noble (my favorite store on earth, and *I* only got 2 books.), and $75 at Fannie May Candies.
Have a blessed Easter, everyone!
We made the day bearable, though, by having lunch at Olive Garden, spending $150 at Barne's and Noble (my favorite store on earth, and *I* only got 2 books.), and $75 at Fannie May Candies.
Have a blessed Easter, everyone!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Final 4 Weeks of School (and grandbaby update)
The girls are down to their final month of schoolwork. The past few weeks we have had tons of extra things going on in our lives, and have been very busy, but no matter what, we have kept plugging away with schoolwork. Some days it is really tough to do school, but I'd really like the girls to be able to finish by the last week of April.
In 7th grade, C began her FINAL module for science. She has 6 chapters left to read for her Lightening Literature, and a week of writing assignments. In social studies, she has read the first 4 chapters of the second book in Joy Hakim's "The Story of US" series. Most of this book is review for her, leading up to our in-depth study of specific U.S. History time periods next year. She is breezing through, (ok, some days not so "breezily") pre-Algebra. This week she will finish lesson 36, and take test 8.
In 3rd grade, E has pretty much finished everything, other than English. We switched in January, from R&S to LLATL, so she is actually BEHIND, and will continue working on grade 3 until she finishes. This will take her through the summer, and right up until she begins grade 4. I didn't want her to JUST be doing only English with a month of school left, so last Tuesday I ordered her grade 4 math and reading from BJU. They arrived LESS THAN 48 HOURS LATER. We did the first story in her reading, and, upon seeing how the first few chapters of her new math were completely review for her, I had her do the chapter review, and test for the 1st chapter of math, and skip all the lessons.
In other news we have:
>spent $1500 at the vet due to 2 cat emergencies, 2 cat neuterings (different cats), and getting my ex-husband's dogs that I have "temporarily" taken in (for the past 2 1/2 months, and probably for the foreseeable future) their shots, exams, and for the black lab, medical treatment for a severe ear infection.
> gotten taxes finally done, filed, and paid
> bought an air conditioner....which is WONDERFUL after last year without one, and with temperatures here in the midwest soaring into the 80's and 90's much earlier than usual already.
> continued working at the no-kill animal shelter
> bought a new lawn mower. Which meant I had to mow. Grass that was up to my knees because I hate mowing, and put off buying a mower. During which time I broke my right, big toe. Because I behaved in a very mature, Christian manner and kicked the lawn mower when it wouldn't start. : )
GRANDBABY NEWS: April had her first sonogram, 5 vials of blood drawn, and her first major doctor's appointment Monday. She asked me to be with her for all of it. The sonogram was first. It looks like I have a very active grandchild....even at only 9 weeks along, the baby was rolling from side to side, and waving it's little arm "buds" energetically. Everything with baby is fine, and it is simply amazing to see how this tiny creature already looks like a baby. However, April's glucose test came back abnormal, and she is going in to the hospital this morning to have a 3 hour extended fasting glucose testing done, because they think she has gestational diabetes. They normally don't check blood glucose this early in a pregnancy, but they tested her because she has a sister with Type I diabetes, and both grandpas also have it.
That covers the basics. Other than being extremely busy, we are all fine. I pray everyone reading this is doing well too.
In 7th grade, C began her FINAL module for science. She has 6 chapters left to read for her Lightening Literature, and a week of writing assignments. In social studies, she has read the first 4 chapters of the second book in Joy Hakim's "The Story of US" series. Most of this book is review for her, leading up to our in-depth study of specific U.S. History time periods next year. She is breezing through, (ok, some days not so "breezily") pre-Algebra. This week she will finish lesson 36, and take test 8.
In 3rd grade, E has pretty much finished everything, other than English. We switched in January, from R&S to LLATL, so she is actually BEHIND, and will continue working on grade 3 until she finishes. This will take her through the summer, and right up until she begins grade 4. I didn't want her to JUST be doing only English with a month of school left, so last Tuesday I ordered her grade 4 math and reading from BJU. They arrived LESS THAN 48 HOURS LATER. We did the first story in her reading, and, upon seeing how the first few chapters of her new math were completely review for her, I had her do the chapter review, and test for the 1st chapter of math, and skip all the lessons.
In other news we have:
>spent $1500 at the vet due to 2 cat emergencies, 2 cat neuterings (different cats), and getting my ex-husband's dogs that I have "temporarily" taken in (for the past 2 1/2 months, and probably for the foreseeable future) their shots, exams, and for the black lab, medical treatment for a severe ear infection.
> gotten taxes finally done, filed, and paid
> bought an air conditioner....which is WONDERFUL after last year without one, and with temperatures here in the midwest soaring into the 80's and 90's much earlier than usual already.
> continued working at the no-kill animal shelter
> bought a new lawn mower. Which meant I had to mow. Grass that was up to my knees because I hate mowing, and put off buying a mower. During which time I broke my right, big toe. Because I behaved in a very mature, Christian manner and kicked the lawn mower when it wouldn't start. : )
GRANDBABY NEWS: April had her first sonogram, 5 vials of blood drawn, and her first major doctor's appointment Monday. She asked me to be with her for all of it. The sonogram was first. It looks like I have a very active grandchild....even at only 9 weeks along, the baby was rolling from side to side, and waving it's little arm "buds" energetically. Everything with baby is fine, and it is simply amazing to see how this tiny creature already looks like a baby. However, April's glucose test came back abnormal, and she is going in to the hospital this morning to have a 3 hour extended fasting glucose testing done, because they think she has gestational diabetes. They normally don't check blood glucose this early in a pregnancy, but they tested her because she has a sister with Type I diabetes, and both grandpas also have it.
That covers the basics. Other than being extremely busy, we are all fine. I pray everyone reading this is doing well too.
Friday, March 23, 2012
We Lost Our Dear Papa Harold This Week : (
My girls have grown up with basically only one grandparent. My dad died when I was in high school, and my mother died when C was only 2 months old. Their dad's mother died last year, but was never in their lives. However, their dad's father has been always been there for the girls. Papa Harold ALWAYS brought laughter to our lives with his never-ending supply of one-liner jokes, and he ALWAYS was concerned about us all. I never had a conversation with him where he didn't ask, "Do the girls have enough to eat?" "Do the dogs have enough to eat?" "Do you need anything?" There was never a time we stopped and saw him where he didn't give the girls a dollar or two, or five. Papa loved to fish, or even just to go sit out by the river enjoying nature. He loved to make people smile and laugh. He loved his grandchildren.
Little E especially loved him, and wrote him a letter Monday afternoon. Not an hour after we had mailed it, Danny called, and told me he was taking Papa to the doctor. The doctor sent him via ambulance to the local hospital, and the local hospital transferred him to a larger hospital. His condition continued worsening as Monday evening progressed. The girls and I decided to cancel school Tuesday so we could go see him, but sadly, Papa Harold died at 3:32 Tuesday morning.
Although this man was my EX father-in-law, he was a father to me the past 15 years. Not only will the girls miss him, but I will too. The last time I spoke to him was just 6 days ago, and as always, we finished by saying, "I love you." I DID love him, and he will be missed by all of us!
This photo is the most recent one taken of him....only a couple of weeks ago. It is typical of Harold....he is wearing a silly St. Patrick's day hat, while waiting in line at the store.
Little E especially loved him, and wrote him a letter Monday afternoon. Not an hour after we had mailed it, Danny called, and told me he was taking Papa to the doctor. The doctor sent him via ambulance to the local hospital, and the local hospital transferred him to a larger hospital. His condition continued worsening as Monday evening progressed. The girls and I decided to cancel school Tuesday so we could go see him, but sadly, Papa Harold died at 3:32 Tuesday morning.
Although this man was my EX father-in-law, he was a father to me the past 15 years. Not only will the girls miss him, but I will too. The last time I spoke to him was just 6 days ago, and as always, we finished by saying, "I love you." I DID love him, and he will be missed by all of us!
This photo is the most recent one taken of him....only a couple of weeks ago. It is typical of Harold....he is wearing a silly St. Patrick's day hat, while waiting in line at the store.

Saturday, March 17, 2012
C This Week....
I am especially proud of C this week. Tuesday, her older sister wanted me to go to her first official prenatal doctor's appointment. C didn't want to go, and since she was recently given a cell phone, I let her stay home. The appointment ended up being 3 hours long. (lots of waiting room time) When I got home, C had done all her chores, all her school work, and even cleaned the microwave. She has worked hard on all her schoolwork, getting it done early to be outside enjoying the beautiful weather we've had all week. (70's and 80's in MARCH!) She and E have spent a few of these nice days practicing softball...the annual signups begin this weekend.
Now...anyone who knows C or reads this blog (back when I had a computer and could write regularly) knows C detests writing. She detests it on any level. So imagine my shock yesterday when she woke up, and handed me a paper. She said, "I felt like writing last night after bedtime, so will you read this and tell me what you think?" On her own, not as an assignemtn, just because she "felt like it", C wrote a rough draft, AND a revision, of a very well organized, well-written, informative, grammatically perfect ESSAY. It was titled, "Pennington", and was a very complete informative essay about her favorite cat at the animal shelter we work at. I had no idea she was even writing anything! She even drew and colored a picture of the cat to go along with the page and a half essay.
Now, some of you have children that like to write. *I* was a child that liked to write. I've always enjoyed writing. But I never thought I'd see the day when C would take the initiative to write anything, let alone something that was so well done. So, I am very pleased this week with C's overall attitude and hard work.
Now...anyone who knows C or reads this blog (back when I had a computer and could write regularly) knows C detests writing. She detests it on any level. So imagine my shock yesterday when she woke up, and handed me a paper. She said, "I felt like writing last night after bedtime, so will you read this and tell me what you think?" On her own, not as an assignemtn, just because she "felt like it", C wrote a rough draft, AND a revision, of a very well organized, well-written, informative, grammatically perfect ESSAY. It was titled, "Pennington", and was a very complete informative essay about her favorite cat at the animal shelter we work at. I had no idea she was even writing anything! She even drew and colored a picture of the cat to go along with the page and a half essay.
Now, some of you have children that like to write. *I* was a child that liked to write. I've always enjoyed writing. But I never thought I'd see the day when C would take the initiative to write anything, let alone something that was so well done. So, I am very pleased this week with C's overall attitude and hard work.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
I Am Going To Be A GRANDMA : )
I found out this morning that my oldest daughter, April, is expecting her first child in early November. I am so excited and happy!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
We're Still Here....
Wow, it has been a BUSY 2 months since I last wrote! I'm still "computerless", but hopefully I'll be able to get one in the next few months. In the meantime, though, I can't post all the happenings in our lives, or all the thoughts running through my head that I'd like to write about. So I will make do with just a very brief update.
Last time I wrote we had a deathly ill kitten. I'm happy to report that Moses is doing very well, and a joyful addition to our already cat-laden house. We are also "dog-sitting" for my ex-husband's 2 dogs....an elderly yellow lab, and a gigantic, 4 year old black lab. Both these dogs lived with us prior to the girls' dad leaving back in 2009, and although they add a lot of time to chores and the cost of dog food, (Shadow eats a LOT) we are happy to take care of them until he is able to again. I am beginning to feel like an animal hoarder, though....
School is going very well with the girls. E had a birthday this month, and turned 9. She finished her Horizons math 3rd grade, and, quite by accident, began doing Saxon 54. I had some of C's old books out one day, and C decided to start giving E the tests in Saxon. E, who is always a whiz with math, whizzed right through 3 of them. Since I hadn't figured out yet what I would use for her for 4th grade math, we just decided to keep going with Saxon. It is a little slow for her, and much of the material is "review' from concepts she had already learned well in 2nd and 3rd grade math, but we just completed lesson 40, so we may as well finish it out since she's done a third of the book already. LOL
Another change with E is that after doing 3 units of R&S English, it was beginning to be a bit much for her in the writing department. After researching, I chose to begin her in "Learning Language Arts Through Literature" the yellow book. (which is grade 3, so she will be a little behind grade level.) We have only been doing it for 4 weeks, so we'll see how it pans out, but so far both E and I are loving the approach. The lessons are short, but complete with spelling, grammar, handwriting, thinking skills, writing, and literature. They all focus on the copy/dictation method, and using real books (as opposed to textbooks) for her English skills.
E is also VERY into me reading aloud to her. She couldn't stand this when she was "little", but now she is enthralled by our read aloud choices, and begs me to read more, and more, and more. We recently finished "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" (what a phenomonal book! I recommend every adult who read this as a child go back and re read it as an adult.) and are now back to one of MY childhood favorites: "Charlotte's Web".
C is also back to Saxon for math. No matter how much *I* loved BJU math, it was just too much for her, and was to the point math was a constant struggle and battle of wills. She is doing much better with Saxon Algebra 1/2.
We only have one unit left in Lighening Literature. While C detests the writing assignments, she has done all right with them. I bought Apologia's Jump In to try for her writing next year, and I don't have a CLUE what I will use for the rest of her English yet. I am really, REALLY looking forward to Jump In, because it is broken up into very small lessons, yet really gives a wonderful instruction in the how-to's, and the do's and don'ts of writing. And, as the publisher famously claims for this program, it is geared toward "the reluctant writer", which definitely is C! LOL
C just completed her 12th module (out of 16) in Apologia's general science. She has loved this course, and gotten A's in all her work. I will miss the apologia scieonces, but next year we plan to go a little different route, and try using DVDs from BJU for Physical science. I've never used DVDs for my children, but I think it will be nice, not only for C to have someone else do the teaching, but for mE to have someone else do the teaching! LOL
We still work at least one day per week at the animal shelter, and still love it. C has not done violin lessons since December, because the torn ligamant in her wrist has really been acting up again this year. She plans to go out for softball again in a few months, but she will no longer be pitching, due to her wrist pain. We haven't had much of a "winter" this year, and the girls have actually had MANY days warm enough to be outside playing with their friends. And we have been seeing lots of their grown sister, April, since she moved back to our town last fall.
While that doesn't NEARLY cover all of our lifes goings-ons, it is all I intend to write about this morning. I miss being able to write as often as I used to. Hope everyone is doing well.
Last time I wrote we had a deathly ill kitten. I'm happy to report that Moses is doing very well, and a joyful addition to our already cat-laden house. We are also "dog-sitting" for my ex-husband's 2 dogs....an elderly yellow lab, and a gigantic, 4 year old black lab. Both these dogs lived with us prior to the girls' dad leaving back in 2009, and although they add a lot of time to chores and the cost of dog food, (Shadow eats a LOT) we are happy to take care of them until he is able to again. I am beginning to feel like an animal hoarder, though....
School is going very well with the girls. E had a birthday this month, and turned 9. She finished her Horizons math 3rd grade, and, quite by accident, began doing Saxon 54. I had some of C's old books out one day, and C decided to start giving E the tests in Saxon. E, who is always a whiz with math, whizzed right through 3 of them. Since I hadn't figured out yet what I would use for her for 4th grade math, we just decided to keep going with Saxon. It is a little slow for her, and much of the material is "review' from concepts she had already learned well in 2nd and 3rd grade math, but we just completed lesson 40, so we may as well finish it out since she's done a third of the book already. LOL
Another change with E is that after doing 3 units of R&S English, it was beginning to be a bit much for her in the writing department. After researching, I chose to begin her in "Learning Language Arts Through Literature" the yellow book. (which is grade 3, so she will be a little behind grade level.) We have only been doing it for 4 weeks, so we'll see how it pans out, but so far both E and I are loving the approach. The lessons are short, but complete with spelling, grammar, handwriting, thinking skills, writing, and literature. They all focus on the copy/dictation method, and using real books (as opposed to textbooks) for her English skills.
E is also VERY into me reading aloud to her. She couldn't stand this when she was "little", but now she is enthralled by our read aloud choices, and begs me to read more, and more, and more. We recently finished "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" (what a phenomonal book! I recommend every adult who read this as a child go back and re read it as an adult.) and are now back to one of MY childhood favorites: "Charlotte's Web".
C is also back to Saxon for math. No matter how much *I* loved BJU math, it was just too much for her, and was to the point math was a constant struggle and battle of wills. She is doing much better with Saxon Algebra 1/2.
We only have one unit left in Lighening Literature. While C detests the writing assignments, she has done all right with them. I bought Apologia's Jump In to try for her writing next year, and I don't have a CLUE what I will use for the rest of her English yet. I am really, REALLY looking forward to Jump In, because it is broken up into very small lessons, yet really gives a wonderful instruction in the how-to's, and the do's and don'ts of writing. And, as the publisher famously claims for this program, it is geared toward "the reluctant writer", which definitely is C! LOL
C just completed her 12th module (out of 16) in Apologia's general science. She has loved this course, and gotten A's in all her work. I will miss the apologia scieonces, but next year we plan to go a little different route, and try using DVDs from BJU for Physical science. I've never used DVDs for my children, but I think it will be nice, not only for C to have someone else do the teaching, but for mE to have someone else do the teaching! LOL
We still work at least one day per week at the animal shelter, and still love it. C has not done violin lessons since December, because the torn ligamant in her wrist has really been acting up again this year. She plans to go out for softball again in a few months, but she will no longer be pitching, due to her wrist pain. We haven't had much of a "winter" this year, and the girls have actually had MANY days warm enough to be outside playing with their friends. And we have been seeing lots of their grown sister, April, since she moved back to our town last fall.
While that doesn't NEARLY cover all of our lifes goings-ons, it is all I intend to write about this morning. I miss being able to write as often as I used to. Hope everyone is doing well.
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